

Last updated: September 8, 2023

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Lithium is a psychiatric medication used primarily as a first-line therapy for bipolar disorder. It is also used in treatment-resistant depression to augment antidepressants. The specific mechanism by which lithium acts to stabilize mood is not definitively known, but it is thought to be due to inhibition of the phosphoinositol cascade. Common side effects include gastrointestinal distress (nausea, diarrhea), polyuria, polydipsia, and tremor. Lithium therapy has a very narrow therapeutic index; frequent monitoring is therefore required to prevent toxicity.

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Pharmacodynamicstoggle arrow icon

  • Mechanism of action: While the mechanism of action has not been definitively established, inhibition of the phosphoinositol cascade is thought to result in mood stabilization.
  • Steady state: usually reached 4–5 days after initiation or a change in dosage
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Pharmacokineticstoggle arrow icon

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Indicationstoggle arrow icon

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Adverse effectstoggle arrow icon

Overview [2]

Adverse effects occur at therapeutic levels (0.4–1.0 mEq/L) but tend to be more severe at peak serum concentration of the drug.



  • Fine tremor
    • Nonprogessive, symmetric, fine postural tremor in the distal ends of upper extremities
    • Typically occurs when lithium therapy is started or the dose is increased but can occur at any time during the course of treatment
    • Often decreases spontaneously over time
  • Muscle weakness


Cardiac [3]



LITHIUM: “Lithium can cause Irregular Thyroxine levels (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), Heart (Ebstein anomaly), nephrogenic diabetes Insipidus, and Uncontrolled Muscle movements (tremor).”

Treatment of adverse effects [4][5]

  • General measures
    • Reassurance, avoidance of exacerbating factors (e.g., caffeine, stress), and follow-up
    • Dosage adjustment
      • Use of short-acting lithium preparations, divided doses, or a different lithium salt (e.g., citrate instead of carbonate)
      • Reducing the total daily dose of lithium if serum lithium concentration is close to the upper limit of the therapeutic range
  • Tremor: beta blockers (e.g., propranolol) if persistent or severe tremor
  • Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: amiloride [6]

Lithium poisoning

  • Toxic effects occur at serum levels > 1.5 mEq/L. [7]
  • For details and management, see “Lithium poisoning.”

Monitoring serum levels of lithium is important because of its narrow therapeutic window.

We list the most important adverse effects. The selection is not exhaustive.

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Contraindicationstoggle arrow icon

Alternative maintenance treatment options for bipolar disorder include lamotrigine, valproate, and carbamazepine. Valproate and antipsychotics (e.g., olanzepine, quetiapine) can be used for treatment of acute mania and hypomania.

Before prescribing lithium to women of child-bearing age, evaluate thyroid function, renal function, and human chorionic gonadotropin levels to rule out pregnancy.

We list the most important contraindications. The selection is not exhaustive.

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