

Last updated: March 7, 2025

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Priapism is a sustained erection that lasts for more than four hours and continues hours beyond or is unrelated to sexual stimulation. It is classified into ischemic (low-flow) priapism and nonischemic (high-flow) priapism. Ischemic priapism is caused by inadequate venous outflow from the corpus cavernosum and results in painful penile ischemia. In adults, ischemic priapism is often idiopathic or an adverse effect of treatments for erectile dysfunction, while sickle cell disease is the most common cause in children. Nonischemic priapism is less common and is caused by increased arterial inflow to the corpus cavernosum, usually due to fistula formation following perineal trauma. Nonischemic priapism is not associated with penile ischemia and is painless. Diagnosis is performed with corporal blood gas analysis to distinguish between ischemic and nonischemic priapism. Blood flow assessment with Doppler ultrasound is used when results of corporal blood gas analysis are indeterminate. Ischemic priapism is a urological emergency requiring immediate therapeutic corporal aspiration and intracavernosal alpha-adrenergic injection. Surgery is indicated if priapism does not subside. Delay in treatment of ischemic priapism is associated with high rates of permanent erectile dysfunction. Nonischemic priapism often self-resolves; initial management is observation.

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Overviewtoggle arrow icon

Ischemic vs. nonischemic priapism

Distinguishing between ischemic and nonischemic priapism [1][2]
Ischemic (low-flow) priapism [3] Nonischemic (high-flow) priapism [4]
  • Majority of priapism episodes
  • Minority of priapism episodes
Common causes [5]
  • Decreased venous outflow
  • Increased arterial inflow
Distinguishing clinical features

Corporal blood gas analysis

  • pO2 < 30 mmHg
  • pCO2 > 60 mmHg
  • pH < 7.25
  • pO2 > 90 mmHg
  • pCO2 < 40 mmHg
  • pH ∼ 7.4
Penile and perineal Doppler ultrasound
  • Low blood flow
  • High blood flow

Management approach for suspected priapism [2][3][4]

If ischemic priapism is suspected, consult urology early, as prompt treatment is required to preserve tissue function.

Clinical evaluation

Include medication review, sexual history, past surgical history, and evaluation for genital and perineal trauma.

  • Symptoms > 4 hours: Manage as priapism.
  • Symptoms ≤ 4 hours: Consult urology for the optimal type and timing of intervention for prolonged erection. [3][4]

Initial diagnostics


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Definitionstoggle arrow icon

  • Priapism: a penile erection lasting > 4 hours that continues hours beyond or is unrelated to sexual stimulation [3]
  • Prolonged erection: an erection that lasts longer than desired but has a duration ≤ 4 hours [3]
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Diagnosistoggle arrow icon

Initial investigations

Corporal blood gas analysis can be deferred if a clinical diagnosis of ischemic priapism is already clear. [3][4]

Penile and perineal Doppler does not replace corporal blood gas analysis.

Additional investigations [3][4]

Additional investigations may be considered to evaluate the cause of ischemic priapism but must not delay treatment.

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Ischemic (low-flow) priapismtoggle arrow icon

Ischemic priapism is a urological emergency that needs treatment as soon as possible. Tissue damage can occur as early as 6 hours from onset. [1][3][3]


  • Accounts for 95% of all priapism episodes [1][3]
  • Two peak ages related to the most common cause in each age group (See “Etiology.”) [5]
    • Adults: 20–50 years
    • Children 5–10 years

Etiology [1][2][6]

Treatment of erectile dysfunction is a common cause of ischemic priapism in adults, while sickle cell disease is the most common cause in children. [2]

Pathophysiology [1][7]

  • Inadequate venous outflow from the corpus cavernosum as a result of:
  • Decreased venous outflow → increased intracavernosal pressure → decreased arterial inflow → penile ischemia

Prolonged penile ischemia can lead to cavernous body fibrosis with irreversible erectile dysfunction. [1][7]

Clinical features [1][8]

Signs of pelvic or perineal trauma suggest nonischemic priapism rather than ischemic priapism. [3]

Diagnosis of ischemic priapism [3]

  • Clinical diagnosis: can be made if classic clinical features and defining criteria for priapism are present alongside a highly suggestive history
  • Confirmatory diagnostic findings

Management [1][2][3]


For stuttering priapism, the management of each acute episode is similar to the management of acute ischemic priapism. [2][4]

Nonsurgical management of ischemic priapism [2][3][6][10]

Therapeutic corporal aspiration, corporal irrigation, and intracavernosal alpha-adrenergic injection are often used in combination to treat acute ischemic priapism. Specific recommendations vary by region. Follow local protocols and consult a urologist.

Ischemic priapism of < 24 hours' duration is typically managed with repeated rounds of aspirationirrigation) and intracavernosal phenylephrine over at least 1 hour before surgical intervention is considered. [11][12]

Surgical management [2][3][6]

  • Indication: persistent priapism despite nonsurgical intervention [2][3]
  • Procedures
    • Corpoglandular shunting: initial procedure in most patients [3]
    • Penile prosthesis implantation: considered if shunting fails or for priapism lasting more than 24–48 hours

Prognosis [3][13]

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Nonischemic (high-flow) priapismtoggle arrow icon


  • Accounts for 5% of priapism episodes [2]
  • Can occur at any age [5]

Etiology [14]

  • Blunt perineal trauma (e.g., saddle injury) and/or penetrating injury (e.g., local penile injections)
  • Congenital vascular malformations

Pathophysiology [2]

Clinical features [2][15]

  • Onset may be delayed up to several weeks after injury.
  • Typically painless
  • The corpus cavernosum is not fully rigid.
  • Symptoms of perineal trauma: perineal swelling, hematuria, dysuria

Diagnosis of nonischemic priapism

Corporal blood gas analysis findings in nonischemic priapism are similar to those in arterial blood gas analysis. [4]

Management [2][4]

Follow management approach for suspected priapism. Once the diagnosis of nonischemic priapism is confirmed, management is not urgent.

  • Discharge home for conservative management.
    • Monitor for resolution for 4 weeks. [2][4]
    • Consider applying ice or direct perineal compression. [15][16]
  • If priapism persists, consult urology to evaluate for arterial embolization.

Prognosis [2][15]

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Acute management checklisttoggle arrow icon

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