

Last updated: December 19, 2023

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Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), also referred to as upper endoscopy, is a procedure in which a flexible fiber-optic endoscope is passed through the mouth and oropharynx to visualize the mucosa of the esophagus, stomach, and, sometimes, the duodenum. It is commonly used to diagnose and manage upper gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, monitor precancerous syndromes (e.g., Barrett esophagus), and guide endoscopic percutaneous feeding tube placement. Contraindications include GI perforation and postsurgical upper GI bleeding (UGIB). Complications include bleeding, esophageal perforation, and infection (e.g., bacteremia, aspiration pneumonia).

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We list the most important contraindications. The selection is not exhaustive.

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Always obtain and document informed consent from the patient or their legal guardian.

Aspiration prevention

  • Recommended fasting instructions [4]
    • No clear liquids for at least 2 hours before endoscopy
    • No solid food for at least 6 hours before endoscopy
  • Provide oral and written instructions to improve adherence.

It may not be possible to delay endoscopy for fasting in hemodynamically unstable patients (e.g., those with esophageal variceal bleeding).

Consider intubation before EGD in patients with UGIB who are at risk of aspiration (e.g., patients with altered mental status or severe ongoing hematemesis). [5]

Medication management

Preprocedural diagnostic studies [11]

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Technique/stepstoggle arrow icon

The following is a general overview and is not intended as a comprehensive guide. [12]

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Complicationstoggle arrow icon

Complications from diagnostic EGD are rare. The risk of complications is higher with certain therapeutic interventions, e.g., dilation or management of food bolus impaction. [13]

We list the most important complications. The selection is not exhaustive.

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