
Cranial osteopathy

Last updated: January 4, 2024

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The craniosacral technique was established by Dr. William G. Sutherland in the 1940s. He reasoned that cranial sutures in relation to the skull have their own mobility. After years of study, research, and manipulation, he concluded that the cranial bones, sacrum, dural membranes, and cerebrospinal fluid function as interrelated units. He termed this unit the primary respiratory mechanism. Osteopathic treatment using articulatory techniques aims to restore the cranial rhythmic impulse to a normal rate.

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Primary respiratory mechanismtoggle arrow icon

The primary respiratory mechanism is a physiological unit comprising the central nervous system (CNS), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), dural membranes, cranial bones, and sacrum, functioning collectively to control and regulate essential bodily functions such as respiration, circulation, digestion, and elimination.


The primary respiratory mechanism (PRM) is composed of five elements.

  1. Inherent motility of the brain and spinal cord
    • The brain and spinal cord have an inherent, wave-like motion.
    • Described as the coiling and uncoiling of the CNS
  2. Fluctuation of the CSF: the movement of CSF changes according to the cranial rhythmic movement (PRM)
  3. Mobility of the intracranial and intraspinal membranes
  4. Articular mobility of cranial bones
    • Although cranial sutures fuse shortly after birth, they contain small motions that cannot be felt individually.
    • An amalgamation of the cranial bones and multiple sutures allows for palpable motion.
    • Cranial rhythmic impulse (CRI)
      • Refers to the palpatory sensation of the widening and narrowing of the skull that reflects the pulsation of the CSF.
      • Normal rate: 10–14 times per minute
  5. Involuntary mobility of the sacrum between the ilia
    • The movement of the brain, spinal cord, and CSF causes the RTM to move.
    • Any motion of the RTM causes the sacrum to move
    • The bones move in rhythm with the motion of the shifting tensions of the RTM.

Physiologic motion of the PRM

Flexion and extension occur around the SBS.

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Cranial motion

  • Physiologic motion
    • Flexion and extension
    • Torsion
    • Sidebending and rotation (SBR)
  • Nonphysiologic motion
    • Vertical strain
    • Lateral strain
    • Compression

The sphenobasilar synchondrosis serves as the reference point for describing diagnostic patterns.

Primary SBS movements

Overview of primary SBS movements
Flexion Extension
SBS movement Cephalad Caudad
Sphenoid Anterior rotation Posterior rotation
Occiput Posterior rotation Anterior rotation
Respiration phase Inhalation Exhalation
Paired bones movement External rotation Internal rotation
Anteroposterior (AP) diameter Decreases Increases
Lateral diameter Increases Decreases
Sacrum Posterior and counternutates Anterior and nutates
Vault hold Index and little fingers separate and move caudad Index and little fingers approximate and move cephalad

SBS strain patterns

Overview of craniosacral strain patterns
Axes Sphenoid and occiput motion/coupling Naming convention Vault hold findings


  • 2 parallel transverse axes
  • Opposite direction
  • Flexed
  • SBS unable to move into extension
  • Index and little fingers spread and move caudad
  • Index and little fingers narrow and move cephalad
  • One AP
  • Opposite direction
  • Right or left
  • Greater wing of the sphenoid that is positioned higher
  • Hands twist in opposite directions
  • Superior index finger
    • Right torsion: right index finger is positioned higher than the left and the left little finger is positioned higher than the right
    • Left torsion: left index finger is positioned higher than the right and the right little finger is positioned higher than the left
  • One AP
  • Two vertical
  • AP: same direction
  • Vertical: opposite
  • Right or left
  • Side of convexity or direction of AP axis rotation
  • Exaggerated hand flexion
    • Right SBR: right fingers spread (convex) and move caudad, left fingers narrow and move cephalad
    • Left SBR: left fingers spread (convex) and move caudad, right fingers narrow and move cephalad
Vertical strain
  • Two transverse axis
  • Same direction
  • Superior or inferior
  • Base of the sphenoid at the SBS relative to the occiput
Lateral strain
  • Two vertical axis
  • Rotation: same direction
  • Translation: opposite direction
  • Parallelogram formation
  • Lateral little finger
    • Right lateral strain: parallelogram with the index finger shifting to the left and the little finger shifting to the right
    • Left lateral strain: parallelogram with the index finger shifting to the right and the little finger shifting to the left
  • N/A
  • Restricted motion
  • Lack of motion
  • Weak flexion and extension or lack of movement

Bone and cranial nerve dysfunctions

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SBS strain patternstoggle arrow icon

Flexion and extension dysfunctions

  • Axis: 2 parallel transverse axes
  • Motion: The sphenoid and occiput rotate in opposite directions around the two separate transverse axes.

While flexion and extension are normal physiological movements of the SBS, they can also present as strain patterns.

During craniosacral flexion, the sphenoid seems to be flexed, while in craniosacral extension the sphenoid appears to be extended.

Flexion dysfunction (osteopathy)

The base of the occiput and the sacrum move in the same direction.

Flexion dysfunction → restricted extension of the SBS.

Extension dysfunction (osteopathy)

Extension dysfunction → restricted flexion of the SBS.

Torsion (osteopathy)

  • Etiology
    • Skull trauma
    • Dental pathologies or procedures (recent dental procedure involving prolonged jaw opening e.g., a root canal or tooth extraction)
    • Improper sleeping posture
  • Axis: 1 anterior-posterior (AP) axis (from nasion to opisthion)
  • Motion: The sphenoid and occiput rotate in opposite directions.
  • Naming convention: named after the greater wing of the sphenoid that is positioned higher

Torsions are named after the greater wing of the sphenoid that is more superior.

One bone rotates clockwise around the axis while the other rotates counter-clockwise.

Left torsion (osteopathy)

  • Motion
    • Sphenoid rotates clockwise and the occiput rotates counterclockwise
    • Left greater wing of the sphenoid and right side of the occiput move superiorly
  • Vault hold: left index finger is positioned higher than the right and the right little finger is positioned higher than the left

Right torsion (osteopathy)

  • Motion
    • Sphenoid rotates counterclockwise and the occiput rotates clockwise
    • Right greater wing of the sphenoid and left side of the occiput move superiorly
  • Vault hold: right index finger is positioned higher than the left and the left little finger is positioned higher than the right

Sidebending and rotation (osteopathy)

  • Etiology
    • Trauma to the side of the head
    • Improper sleeping posture
  • Axis: 2 parallel vertical and 1 anterior-posterior axes
  • Motion
    • Sidebending occurs around the two vertical axes, one through the body of the sphenoid and the other through the foramen magnum.
    • Rotation of the sphenoid and occiput occurs in the same direction around the AP axis and opposite directions on the vertical axes.
  • Naming convention: named according to the side of convexity of the sidebending motion (relatively inferior) or in which direction the bones rotate on the AP axis

Right sidebending and rotation

  • Motion: sphenoid and occiput are closer on the left
  • Vault hold: right fingers spread (convex) and move caudad, left fingers narrow and move cephalad

Left sidebending and rotation

  • Motion: sphenoid and occiput are closer on the right
  • Vault hold: left fingers spread (convex) and move caudad, right fingers narrow and move cephalad

Vertical strain (osteopathy)

  • Etiology
    • Trauma to the top of the head or below the mouth
    • Dental procedures
    • Head and neck surgery
    • Oral pathologies
    • Improper sleeping postures
  • Axis: 2 transverse axes
  • Motion: sphenoid and occiput are rotated in the same direction (clockwise or counterclockwise).
  • Naming convention: named according to the position of the sphenoid base at the SBS relative to the occiput

Vertical strain patterns are named according to the position of the sphenoid base at the SBS relative to the occiput.

Superior vertical strain

Inferior vertical strain

Lateral strain (osteopathy)

  • Etiology
    • Traumatic force to the side of the head
    • Dental pathologies or procedures
    • Improper sleeping posture
  • Axis: 2 parallel vertical axe
  • Motion: sphenoid and occiput rotate in the same direction but translate in opposite directions due to shearing forces.
  • Naming convention: named according to the position of the sphenoid base at the SBS relative to the occiput (lateral movement or translation of the sphenoid)

Lateral strain patterns are named for the position of the sphenoid base at the SBS relative to the occiput.

Right lateral strain

  • Motion: the base of the sphenoid shears right, the greater wing of the sphenoid goes to the left, and the base of the occiput goes to the left
  • Vault hold: : parallelogram with the index finger shifting to the left and the little finger shifting to the right

Left lateral strain

  • Motion: the base of the sphenoid shears left, the greater wing of the sphenoid goes to the right, and the base of the occiput goes to the right
  • Vault hold: parallelogram with the index finger shifting to the right and the little finger shifting to the left

Compression (osteopathy)

Diminished or absent cranial rhythmic impulse during extension and flexion of the SBS.

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Diagnostic methodstoggle arrow icon


Vault hold

Frontal-occipital hold

Posterior-occipital hold (Becker hold)

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Occipital condyle decompression

  • Function
  • Position: supine with examiner seated at the head of the table and both forearms resting on the table (establishing a fulcrum)
  • Procedure
    1. Have the patient's head rest on your palms with the index and middle fingers contacting the condylar processes (as far caudad on the occiput as the soft tissue and C1 allow) on both sides.
    2. Apply a gentle cephalad and lateral traction at the base of the occiput.
    3. Achieve a balanced tension.
    4. Maintain traction until a release is felt.
    5. Reassess.

Condylar compression can affect CN XII, causing sucking difficulties in the newborn.

Venous sinus technique

  • Function: decrease venous congestion and improve circulation and drainage of the head through the jugular foramen
  • Position: supine with examiner seated at the head of the table
  • Procedure
    1. Perform thoracic inlet release and treat any cervical restrictions.
    2. Use finger pads to treat each sinus by spreading the overlying sutures.
      • Occipital sinus: finger pads rest just below the inion (occipital sinus)
      • Transverse sinuses: little fingers rest on the inion (medially) and index fingers rest along nuchal line (laterally)
      • Superior sagittal sinus: starting at lambda, thumbs travel along the sagittal suture until the bregma is reached
    3. Reassess.

Compression of the fourth ventricle (CV4)

  • Function: restores normal craniosacral mechanism and increases amplitude of the cranial rhythmic impulse
  • Position: supine with examiner seated at the head of the table
  • Procedure
    1. Place thenar eminences just below the nuchal line, medial to the mastoid processes.
    2. Apply gentle superomedial traction: exaggerate traction during the exhalation phase.
    3. Hold until a still point is reached.
    4. Reassess.

V spread

  • Function: reduces restriction along any cranial suture
  • Position: supine with examiner seated at the head of the table
  • Procedure
    1. Place two fingers on each side of the restricted suture.
    2. Turn the patient's head to shift weight onto your fingers.
    3. Apply gentle pressure with the opposite hand directly opposite to the affected suture.
    4. Apply a distracting and separating traction with your fingers.
    5. Hold until a release is felt.
    6. Reassess.

Sacral rocking

  • Function: improves movement of the sacrum in relation to the primary respiratory mechanism
  • Position: prone
  • Procedure
    1. Place one palm on the apex and the other on the base and interlock your fingers.
    2. Ask the patient to take deep breaths.
    3. Exaggerate motion of the sacrum through inhalation (counternutation) and exhalation (nutation).
    4. Continue for 4–5 cycles or until motion is improved.
    5. Reassess sacral motion.

Temporal rocking

Base spread

  • Function: diagnoses and treats tension at the craniocervical junction
  • Position: supine with examiner seated at the head of the table
  • Procedure
    1. Have the patient's head rest on your palms with the index fingers on the mastoid process (of the temporal bone), middle and ring fingers on either side of the occipitomastoid suture, and little fingers on the occiput and the head slightly flexed.
    2. Apply gentle superior-lateral traction.
      • Index fingers tract more laterally to match the angle of the petrous portion (∼ 45° from midline)
      • Middle and ring fingers tract along the occipital condyles (∼ 30° from midline)
    3. Assess for restriction.
      • Increased resistance along index finger → temporal bone restriction
      • Increased resistance along middle finger → occipital restriction
      • Increased resistance along middle and ring fingers → occipitomastoid restriction
    4. Maintain traction until a balance is achieved along all fingers.
    5. Reassess.

Occipitomastoid suture release

  • Function: releases tension on the vagus nerve by releasing restriction at the occipitomastoid suture
  • Position: supine with examiner seated at the head of the table
  • Procedure
    1. Cup the occiput with the contralateral palm with the fingertips just medial to the occipitomastoid suture.
    2. Grasp the mastoid process with the thumb and index fingers of the ipsilateral hand just lateral to the occipitomastoid suture.
    3. Evaluate motion of the suture by gently separating the left and right fingers without sliding over the skin.
    4. Move fingers in opposite directions until a release is felt.
    5. Reassess.
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