

Last updated: November 13, 2024

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Tinnitus is a common symptom in which sound (whistling, hissing, buzzing, ringing, pulsating) is perceived in the absence of an external source. Tinnitus can be unilateral or bilateral, acute or chronic, intermittent or constant, and is often but not always associated with hearing loss. Primary tinnitus is idiopathic, while secondary tinnitus results from an underlying cause such as noise exposure, infection, trauma, turbulent vascular flow, ototoxicity, or tumor. Clinical evaluation for tinnitus includes assessment of tinnitus characteristics, associated symptoms, and risk factors for tinnitus, as well as an ENT, neck, cardiac, and neurological examination. Patients with tinnitus red flag features require prompt further evaluation. Audiological examination is recommended for most patients who require testing, while imaging is reserved for patients with unilateral tinnitus, asymmetric hearing loss, pulsatile tinnitus, and/or focal neurological deficits. The management of secondary tinnitus focuses on treating the underlying cause. Symptomatic therapy for tinnitus is typically indicated for persistent bothersome tinnitus, while patient education is usually sufficient for nonbothersome tinnitus. Symptomatic therapy includes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), hearing aids for concomitant hearing loss, and sound therapy. Management may also involve treating risk factors and comorbidities, including addressing the effects of tinnitus on sleep, mental health, and cognition. Prognosis depends on the underlying etiology. Tinnitus is more likely to be self-limited in younger patients with a short duration of symptoms.

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Definitionstoggle arrow icon

  • Tinnitus: perceived sound (e.g., whistling, hissing, buzzing, ringing, pulsating) without an external source
  • Subjective tinnitus: only heard by the affected individual
  • Objective tinnitus: can be heard by an examiner

Objective tinnitus is caused by sounds originating from within the body such as carotid bruits, cervical venous hum, heart murmurs, or musculoskeletal sounds (e.g., due to stapedial myoclonus). [1]

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Epidemiologytoggle arrow icon

  • Prevalence: approx. 1 in 10 adults in the US [2]
  • Risk factors for tinnitus [1][2]
    • Male sex
    • Increasing age (peak 50–59 years)
    • Occupational or environmental noise exposure
    • Military service
    • History of head injury
    • Hypertension
    • Smoking
    • Arthritis

Epidemiological data refers to the US, unless otherwise specified.

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Etiologytoggle arrow icon

Primary tinnitus is idiopathic and may be associated with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). The following are causes of secondary tinnitus, i.e., tinnitus provoked by an identifiable underlying condition. [1][3][4]






Metabolic [3]

Ototoxic substances [3]

Examples of common ototoxic substances are listed below.

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Clinical evaluationtoggle arrow icon

Focused history [1][3]

Focused physical examination [1][3]

Identify abnormalities such as neurological deficits, vascular bruits, or head and neck lesions.

Red flags in tinnitus

Tinnitus with any of the following red flag features requires prompt workup for a potentially concerning underlying cause.

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Diagnosistoggle arrow icon

Approach [1][3]

  • Perform a clinical evaluation for tinnitus.
  • Prioritize prompt diagnostic workup in patients with red flags for tinnitus.
  • Audiological examination is appropriate for most patients.
  • Obtain imaging studies for patients with suspected focal or vascular causes.
  • Consider additional diagnostics according to the suspected underlying cause (see “Common causes of tinnitus”).
  • Routine laboratory testing is typically unnecessary.

Consider deferring diagnostics for patients with recent-onset tinnitus and no red flags for tinnitus. [1][3]

Audiological examination [1][3]

If SSNHL is suspected, refer to audiology as soon as possible (no later than 2 weeks). For most other patients, arrange examination within 4 weeks of symptom onset. [1]

Imaging [1][3][6]

Avoid routine imaging for patients with bilateral tinnitus that is isolated (i.e., with normal hearing and neurological examination) or associated with symmetrical hearing loss. [1][3]

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Common causestoggle arrow icon

Common causes of tinnitus [1][3]
Characteristic clinical features Diagnostics Management

Primary tinnitus

  • Gradual, bilateral hearing loss
  • Difficulty understanding speech, especially in noisy environments
  • Age-related onset
Acoustic trauma
Meniere disease

Consider tinnitus symptom management for secondary tinnitus if it is bothersome tinnitus and the underlying cause is irreversible. [1]

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Treatmenttoggle arrow icon

Approach [1][3][7]

Avoid expensive or time-consuming interventions for recent-onset primary tinnitus (< 6 months), as the rates of spontaneous resolution are high. [1]

Patient education [1][7]

Symptomatic therapy for tinnitus [1][3][7]

Treatment of comorbidities

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Dispositiontoggle arrow icon

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Prognosistoggle arrow icon

  • Globally, tinnitus is either self-limited or improves significantly in 20–50% of patients within 5 years. [1]
  • Favorable prognostic factors (e.g., higher likelihood of spontaneous resolution) include: [1]
    • Younger age
    • Short duration of symptoms (e.g., onset < 6 months ago)
  • Symptom severity can fluctuate over time.

The prognosis of secondary tinnitus depends on the underlying cause and its degree of reversibility.

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