
Male reproductive organs

Last updated: October 30, 2023

Summarytoggle arrow icon

The male reproductive system consists of the penis, testes, epididymis, ejaculatory ducts, prostate, and accessory glands. These organs function together to produce sperm and deliver semen from the testes via ejaculation. For more information on the embryological development of the male reproductive system, see “Development of the reproductive system”.

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Penistoggle arrow icon


Urination and release of semen

Gross anatomy [1][2]

Primarily composed of erectile tissue, blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue


Arteries [1][2]

Arterial supply to the penis
Artery Course Supplies
Internal pudendal artery
  • External genitalia

Bulbourethral artery

Deep artery of the penis
  • Erectile tissue
Dorsal artery of the penis
Urethral artery
External pudendal artery


Venous drainage of the penis
Vein Anatomy Drains into
Deep dorsal vein of the penis
Superficial dorsal vein of the penis
  • External pudendal veins greater saphenous vein



Innervation of the penis
Innervation Structures Function
  • Hypogastric nerve (T11–L4)
  • Emission

Microscopic anatomy [1][2]

Embryology [1]

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Testes, scrotum, and spermatic cordtoggle arrow icon

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Gross anatomytoggle arrow icon

Structure [1][2][3]

TIE turns into ICE”:
Transversalis fascia Internal spermatic fascia
Internal oblique → Cremasteric muscle and fascia
External oblique → External spermatic fascia

Vasculature, lymphatics, and innervation of the testes and scrotum [3]

Vasculature, lymphatics, and innervation of the testes and scrotum
Testes Scrotum
  • Scrotal veins drain to external pudendal vein


Autonomic Innervation

Motor innervation
  • None
Sensory innervation

The Left Gonadal vein is the LonGest.

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Microscopic anatomytoggle arrow icon

Microscopic anatomy [1][2]


  • Description: undifferentiated germ cells lining the seminiferous tubules
    • Type A (dark): do not undergo mitosis
    • Type A (pale): form type B spermatogonia
    • Type B: undergo mitosis mature into primary spermatocytes
  • Function: differentiate into primary spermatocytes

Sertoli cells

The S-rule for Sertoli cells: line the Seminiferous tubes, Sustain Sperm Synthesis, and Suppress FSH.

Leydig cells

Leydis Love Testosterone”: Leydig cells are LH-stimulated and secrete Testosterone.


Blood-testis barrier

Sertoli fence for sperm defense”: Sertoli cells form the blood-testes barrier.

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Spermatogenesis and spermiogenesistoggle arrow icon

Spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis [1][2]



GONIUM is GOING to be sperm: Spermatogonia becomes a spermatid.
ZOON ZOOMS to the egg: Mature spermatozoon travel to the egg.

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Embryologytoggle arrow icon

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Epididymis, ductus deferens, and accessory glandstoggle arrow icon

Epididymis [1]

Ductus deferens [1]

Ejaculatory ducts [1]

Accessory glands [2]

Prostate (see below)

Seminal vesicles

Bulbourethral gland (Cowper gland)

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Prostate glandtoggle arrow icon

An accessory gland of reproduction located at the base of the bladder and composed primarily of glandular, fibrous, and smooth muscle tissue.

Function [2]

Secretion of:

Gross anatomy [1][2]


Vasculature, lymphatics, and innervation of the prostate gland [5]

Vasculature, lymphatics, and innervation of the prostate gland


Sympathetic innervation
Parasympathetic innervation

Microscopic anatomy [7]


Functional zones


  • There are ∼ 30–50 branched tubuloalveolar glands
  • Main prostatic glands are located peripherally
  • Periurethral submucosal glands

Embryology [8]

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Male sexual responsetoggle arrow icon

There are three parts of the male sexual response: erection, emission, and expulsion.

Erection [2][9]

PDE-5 inhibitors (e.g., sildenafil) inhibit hydrolysis of cGMP ↑ NO → vasodilation prolonged erection

S2, S3, and S4 keep the penis off the floor.

Ejaculation [2][9][11]



Remember the ejaculatory pathway of sperm with SEVEn UP: Seminiferous tubules → Epididymis → Vas (ductus) deferens → Ejaculatory duct → Urethra → Penis

Innervation of male sexual response: Point, Squeeze, and Shoot.
1. Parasympathetic → Point (erection)
2. Sympathetic → Squeeze (emission)
3. Somatic (pudendal nerve) → Shoot (expulsion)

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