
Sexually transmitted infections

Last updated: February 25, 2025

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a group of infections that are primarily transmitted via sexual intercourse and intimate physical contact. Some of the most common STIs include HPV infection, chlamydia infection, and gonorrhea. Urethral or vaginal discharge, painful or painless genital lesions, and pelvic pain are the most common presenting symptoms in symptomatic patients. Patients with an active STI have an increased risk of coinfection with additional STIs. In addition to treating the patient, simultaneous treatment of the partner is often necessary to prevent recurrent infections. Regular STI screening in adults is recommended since affected individuals are frequently asymptomatic.

This article provides an overview of the diagnosis and management of undifferentiated STIs and details on screening for STIs in asymptomatic individuals. See the respective articles for details on specific diseases.

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Overviewtoggle arrow icon

Overview of STIs

See respective articles for details and dosages.

Overview of sexually transmitted infections [1]


Associated disease Management
Viral pathogens
Human papillomavirus

Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2)

Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Monkeypox virus [3]
Bacterial pathogens
Chlamydia trachomatis D–K
Chlamydia trachomatis L1–L3
Klebsiella granulomatis
  • First-line: azithromycin PO
Haemophilus ducreyi
Mycoplasma genitalium
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Treponema pallidum
Parasitic pathogens
Trichomonas vaginalis

Phthirus pubis

Sarcoptes scabiei

Overview of genital lesions caused by STIs [1]

The most common causes of genital ulcers in the United States are genital herpes and syphilis. [1]

Overview of sexually transmitted genital lesions
Solitary Multiple

Consider a noninfectious etiology (e.g., trauma, psoriasis, fixed drug eruptions, Wegener granulomatosis, Behcet syndrome) if a pathogen is not detected on diagnostics. [1][5]

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Risk factorstoggle arrow icon

  • Sexually active individuals < 25 years of age
  • Inconsistent condom use
  • Current STI or an STI in the past year
  • Multiple sexual partners
  • New sexual partner
  • Partner with an STI or at high risk for an STI
  • Men who have sex with men
  • History of incarceration
  • Exchanging sex for drugs or money
  • IV drug use
  • Individuals who request STI testing
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Managementtoggle arrow icon

  • The following sections detail the initial approach to evaluate suspected STIs; hepatitis B virus infection and HIV infection are detailed separately in their respective articles.
  • An approach to undifferentiated symptoms that are unlikely to be caused by STIs is not covered here.
  • See “Screening for STIs” for details on evaluating asymptomatic individuals for STIs.
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Clinical evaluationtoggle arrow icon

Ask about nonconsensual sexual encounters and assess for signs of human trafficking. When appropriate, refer patients to health care professionals with training in further examination and management as needed (see “Management of recent sexual assault”).

Some patient groups (survivors of previous sexual assault, transgender individuals) may find workup for STIs more distressing than others. Use a trauma-informed approach, consider allowing a friend or partner to be present, and reassure them that the exam may be stopped at any time. [9]

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Diagnosticstoggle arrow icon

Provider-collected or self-collected swabs should be obtained from all sites of exposure (e.g., rectum, oropharynx, vagina, urethra) as needed. [1]

Symptom-based STI diagnostics [1][8]
Recommended diagnostics
Men with urethral discharge, dysuria, or scrotal pain
Women with abnormal vaginal discharge
Women with pelvic pain and/or dyspareunia
Patients with genital and anorectal ulcers
Patients with anogenital warts [1]
Patients with genital itching
(suspected ectoparasitic infestation) [8]
  • Diagnosis is typically clinical.

In patients with anogenital warts, testing for HPV infection is not recommended, as results are not specific and do not alter management. [1]

Syphilis serology interpretation is complex. Follow syphilis testing algorithms to reduce the risk of false-positive and false-negative results. [1]

All cases of syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, chancroid, hepatitis, mpox, and HIV must be reported to the state health department for surveillance. Reporting of other STIs varies by state. [1]

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Treatmenttoggle arrow icon

Approach [1][8]

  • Offer treatment to all patients with suspected STIs on the day of presentation.
    • Same-day results available: Provide tailored treatment (see “Pathogen-specific management”).
    • Same-day results not available: Offer empiric treatment; tailor treatment when results are available.
  • Trace and treat partners if possible: See “Management of sexual partners.”
  • Counsel patients on how to reduce the risk of STIs: See “Prevention of STIs.”
  • Offer postexposure prophylaxis for STIs to eligible patients.
  • If STI testing is negative, evaluate for less common causative pathogens and non-STI etiologies.

Empiric management of STIs

Symptom-based management for STIs [1][8]

Clinical presentation Empiric management
Urethral discharge

Vaginal discharge


(on speculum examination)

Pelvic pain
Anorectal pain and/or discharge
Anogenital ulcers
Anogenital warts

Genital herpes and syphilis are the most common causes of anogenital ulcers in the United States. [1][8]

Chancroid and granuloma inguinale (donovanosis) are rare in the United States. If there is diagnostic uncertainty or genital ulcers persist, immediately refer patients to centers with experience diagnosing and treating chancroid, granuloma inguinale, and LGV. [1][8]

Pathogen-specific management

Tailored antimicrobial therapy and additional management steps may be required depending on the pathogen identified, e.g.:

Follow-up [1]

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Management of sexual partnerstoggle arrow icon

Bacterial STI

Contact tracing [1]

  • Encourage patients with STIs to notify their sexual partners and have them seek clinical evaluation and appropriate treatment (except if there is a risk for intimate partner violence).
  • Trace all sexual partners within the past 60 days (even if asymptomatic) OR the most recent sexual partner if last sexual contact was > 60 days ago.
  • If timely evaluation and treatment of sexual partners seems unlikely: Offer expedited partner therapy. [1][11]

Sexual partners must be treated simultaneously to avoid reinfections. [1]

Expedited partner therapy (EPT) [1]

EPT is the treatment of sexual partners of patients with STIs without a preceding clinical examination or diagnostic test. Prescriptions are given to the index patient to pass on to their sexual partners (i.e., patient-delivered partner therapy).

Offer HIV testing to partners of all patients diagnosed with STIs. Offer HIV PrEP to individuals at very high risk of contracting HIV. [1]

Routinely offer EPT (if permitted by local law) to patients diagnosed with chlamydia and/or gonorrhea if it seems unlikely that their partner will seek timely medical care. See “Tips and Links” for the CDC page detailing which states permit EPT. [1]

Prevention of onward transmission of a bacterial STI [1]

Advice patients to avoid unprotected (condomless) sex until the following criteria are met:

  • Completion of 7-day treatment regimen OR 7 days have passed since a single-dose treatment.
  • All symptoms have resolved.
  • Any current sexual partners have also met the above criteria.

Viral STIs [12][13]

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Preventiontoggle arrow icon

Reduction in the risk of infection [1][7]

Behavioral counseling

See “Counseling on sexual health and contraception” for details.

  • Consistent condom use (internal or external ) during vaginal sex or anal sex
  • Dental dam use during oral sex
  • Mutual monogamy
  • Reducing the number of sex partners
  • STI testing of new sexual partners
  • Abstinence
  • Prevention of spread via fomites (e.g., contaminated sex toys)

Obtain a sexual history, assess for risk factors for STIs, and offer behavioral counseling to prevent or minimize the risk for STIs for all sexually active adolescents and adults at increased risk for STIs. [7][15]

Preexposure prophylaxis for STIs

Routinely offer HIV PrEP to individuals at very high risk of HIV infection. [15]

Postexposure prophylaxis for STIs (PEP) [1][16]

Offer PEP to individuals who have been recently exposed to an STI.

Prevention of onward transmission [1]

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Screening for STIstoggle arrow icon

The following information is an overview of STI screening; for more detailed information, see the respective disease articles.

General principles [1]

First-line screening tests [1]

A combination of self-swabs and first-void urine sample allows for screening of most STIs and avoids the need for an intimate examination, which may deter individuals from seeking care. [19][20]

Routine serological screening for herpes simplex virus 2 in asymptomatic individuals is not recommended. [1][21]

Screening recommendations [1]

STI screening by population [1]
Population Recommended screening
Men who have sex with women
Men who have sex with men
Transgender and nonbinary individuals
  • Screening is based on anatomy and risk behaviors.
Individuals with HIV
Pregnant individuals
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