
Viral conjunctivitis

Last updated: September 11, 2023

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Viral conjunctivitis is the most common form of infectious conjunctivitis and is usually caused by adenoviruses. Patients present with clinical features of conjunctivitis, including conjunctival injection, watery discharge, and preauricular lymphadenopathy. Associated clinical features (e.g., vesicular rash, history of upper respiratory tract infection) may help determine the etiology. Diagnostic studies are typically not needed to start management. Treatment is usually supportive, but patients with varicella-zoster conjunctivitis or herpes simplex conjunctivitis (HSV conjunctivitis) are at increased risk of keratitis and should be referred to ophthalmology for management, including antivirals. Prevention measures are advised to limit the spread of infection.

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Epidemiologytoggle arrow icon

Epidemiological data refers to the US, unless otherwise specified.

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Etiologytoggle arrow icon

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Clinical featurestoggle arrow icon

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Diagnosistoggle arrow icon

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Managementtoggle arrow icon

Viral conjunctivitis is usually self-limited and only requires supportive therapy. [8]

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Adenovirus conjunctivitistoggle arrow icon

The most common cause of viral conjunctivitis; clinical presentations vary depending on the subtype. Management for all presentations is supportive.


  • Caused by Adenoviridae spp.
  • Multiple subtypes affect humans and can cause different clinical presentations. [3][9]

Transmission [3][9]

Clinical features [6]

There are four presentations of adenovirus conjunctivitis. In addition to conjunctivitis symptoms, patients may have had a preceding URTI.

Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis [2][4][6]

Pharyngoconjunctivitis [2][4]

Acute nonspecific follicular conjunctivitis [6]

Chronic adenovirus conjunctivitis [6]


Treatment [2][4][7]

Adenovirus conjunctivitis and HSV conjunctivitis can manifest very similarly; use topical steroids with extreme caution as steroids worsen HSV disease. [10]

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Herpes simplex conjunctivitistoggle arrow icon

HSV conjunctivitis is usually caused by subtype HSV-1; it is transmitted through close contact and inoculates the conjunctiva. In neonates, HSV can cause severe symptoms; for diagnosis and management see “Neonatal HSV conjunctivitis.” [11]

Clinical features [4]

HSV conjunctivitis may manifest without a periocular rash; in these cases, it may be hard to distinguish from other forms of viral conjunctivitis, e.g., adenovirus conjunctivitis. [10]


Treatment [4]

Topical steroids can worsen HSV infection and should be avoided. [4]

Long-term suppressive antiviral therapy may decrease the risk of recurrent HSV keratitis. [4]

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Varicella-zoster conjunctivitistoggle arrow icon

Conjunctivitis is one of the ocular manifestations of varicella-zoster infection; other manifestations include keratitis and retinitis.

Etiology [4]

Clinical features [4]

A delay in treatment may lead to vision loss in patients with concomitant herpes zoster keratitis. [12]

Diagnostics [13]

  • Typically a clinical diagnosis
  • Confirmatory diagnostic tests (e.g., PCR, culture) are usually not required.
  • For further information, see “Diagnostics” in “Chickenpox” and “Shingles.”

Treatment [4]

Isolated varicella-zoster conjunctivitis is usually self-limited. [4]

Prevention [4]

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Molluscum contagiosum conjunctivitistoggle arrow icon

Molluscum contagiosum conjunctivitis can occur when lesions on the eyelid shed virus onto the conjunctiva.

Etiology [4]

Clinical features [4]

Multiple lesions or large lesions suggest underlying immunodeficiency. [4]


Treatment [4]

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COVID-19 conjunctivitistoggle arrow icon

Epidemiology [15]

  • Affects both adults and children [16]
  • Prevalence rates are unclear but vary between 1% and 32% in studies. [15]

Clinical features [15]

Diagnosis [15]

Treatment [18]

Prevention [19]

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