The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system and coordinates motor, sensory, and reflex signals. Anatomically, the spinal cord is located within the spinal canal and extends from the bottom of the medulla (at the first cervical vertebra C1) to the conus medullaris (between L1 and L2). Blood is supplied to the spinal cord from the branches of the vertebral artery and drains into the vertebral veins. Internally, the cord can be divided into gray matter centrally and white matter peripherally (unlike in the brain, where this division is inverted). The gray matter is composed of the anterior horn, which contains the cell bodies of motor neurons; the dorsal horn, which contains the cell bodies of sensory neurons; and the lateral horn, which contains the cell bodies of preganglionic sympathetic neurons. The white matter contains descending and ascending tracts. The descending tracts transmit motor signals to the periphery and the ascending tracts transmit sensory signals to the brain. Thirty-one pairs of peripheral spinal nerves arise segmentally from the spinal cord and conduct autonomic, motor, sensory, and reflex signals between the CNS and the body. Clinically relevant spinal reflexes include the patellar reflex, ankle reflex, biceps reflex, and triceps reflex. Each spinal nerve carries dermatomes, which are somatic sensory fibers that correspond with a specific and identifiable region of skin. Each dermatome is supplied by a single spinal cord level and is, therefore, useful in identifying specific levels of damage in spinal cord injuries. The development of the spinal cord begins around the third week of gestation during the process of neurulation. The spinal cord is derived from the neural tube. Conditions that affect the spinal cord include spinal shock (related to trauma), central cord syndrome, and multiple sclerosis.
Gross anatomy
Structures of the spinal cord
Structure | Anatomy | Function | Characteristic features |
White matter |
| |
Gray matter |
| |
Anterior horn |
Dorsal horn |
Lateral horn |
Spinal nerves |
Nerve roots |
Dorsal root ganglia |
Ventral rami |
Dorsal rami |
Cervical region |
Thoracic region |
Lumbar region |
Conus medullaris |
Cauda equina |
Filum terminale |
Renshaw cells are inhibitory interneurons that secrete glycine. These are the neurons targeted by Clostridium tetani toxin.
Blood supply of the spinal cord
Vertebral arteries
- Main source of blood supply to the spinal cord
- Arise from the subclavian artery
- Branches
- Anterior spinal artery
- Posterior spinal arteries; supply the posterior part of the spinal cord bilaterally. ;
- Arterial vasocorona: anastomosis between spinal arteries
Segmental spinal arteries
- Enter the vertebral canal via intervertebral foramina at every level
- Arise from various arteries depending on anatomic location
- Neck: vertebral and deep cervical arteries
- Thorax: posterior intercostal arteries
- Abdomen: lumbar arteries
- Branch to anterior and posterior radicular arteries in the intervertebral foramen and supply nerve roots and the spinal cord
Give rise to the great anterior radiculomedullary artery (artery of Adamkiewicz) in the lower thoracic region
- Anastomoses with the anterior spinal artery
- Supplies the spinal cord from T8 and below
Give rise to the great anterior radiculomedullary artery (artery of Adamkiewicz) in the lower thoracic region
- Vertebral veins: See the vertebral column article for more information on the venous system of the spinal cord.
The great anterior radiculomedullary artery (artery of Adamkiewicz) is the dominant artery supplying the thoracolumbar region of the spinal cord.
Spinal cord tracts
The spinal cord contains ascending and descending tracts. The primary ascending tracts use three neurons to relay peripheral sensory information to the brain. In contrast, the descending tracts transmit motor impulses from the cerebral cortex throughout the body. For more information on lesions of the spinal cord tracts see the incomplete spinal cord syndromes article.
Ascending (sensory) tracts [1][2]
Tract | Function | First-order neuron | Synapses | Second-order neuron | Trajectory |
Conscious sensation | |||||
Spinothalamic tract |
| |
Dorsal column |
| ||
Unconscious sensation [3] | |||||
Spinocerebellar tract |
| |
Spinoolivary tract |
Descending (motor) tracts [1][2]
Tract | Function | First-order neuron | Synapses | Second-order neuron | Trajectory |
Corticospinal tract |
Extrapyramidal tracts |
Legs are represented Laterally in the Lateral spinothalamic and Lateral corticospinal tract.
Remember that fasciculus graciLis carries sensory information from the Lower limbs, and fasciculus cUneatus transmits information from the Upper limbs.
Spinal cord reflexes
Reflex innervation of skeletal muscles [1][2][4]
- Definition: Reflexes are involuntary, consistent reactions to specific stimuli.
Reflex arc
- Reflex arc consists of
- Somatosensory receptors (e.g., muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs)
- Afferent nerve fibers (e.g., type Ia fibers and type II fibers)
- Integrating center (e.g., the spinal cord in spinal reflexes)
- Efferent nerve fibers (e.g., axons of alpha motor neurons)
- Effector organs (mostly muscles)
- The reflex arc of spinal reflexes does not involve the brain or brainstem. However, upper motor neurons may modify the intensity of the reflex response. See upper motor neuron damage for more information.
- Reflex arc consists of
Muscle proprioceptors
Muscle spindle | Golgi tendon organ | |
Structure |
Location |
Perception |
Reflex arc |
Purpose |
| |
Example |
Clinically important reflexes
Deep tendon (stretch) reflexes are ipsilateral and only require one synapse (monosynaptic).
- Afferent limb: a sensory neuron from muscle spindles that travels to the spinal cord
- Efferent limb: a lower motor neuron that travels from the spinal cord to the neuromuscular junction
Reflex | Muscle tested | Spinal level |
Biceps reflex | Biceps | C5–C6 |
Brachioradialis reflex | Brachioradialis | C5–C6 |
Triceps reflex | Triceps | C7–C8 |
Knee reflex (patellar) | Quadriceps | L3–L4 |
Ankle reflex (Achilles) | Gastrocnemius | S1–S2 |
Cremasteric reflex | Cremaster | L1–L2 |
Anal wink reflex | External anal sphincter | S3–S5 |
- See tendon reflexes for more information.
- See sensory receptors of the skin for more details on mechanoreceptors.
Think of this poem to remember which nerve roots correspond to which reflexes:
Buckle my shoe (ankle reflex),
Kick the door (knee reflex),
Pick up sticks (biceps and brachioradialis reflexes),
Lay them straight (triceps reflex),
Testicle move (cremasteric reflex),
Winking drive (anal wink reflex).
Dermatomes are areas of cutaneous innervation that are supplied by a single spinal nerve or cord level (with the exception of cranial nerves V1–3). While there is some overlap in the general distribution of dermatomes, each individual spinal cord level supplies a distinct zone of skin. Testing touch or sensory perception in these areas can be used to localize lesions of the spinal cord to a specific cord level or spinal nerve. [2][5]
Head dermatomes
Dermatome | Distribution |
| |
Cranial nerve V2 |
Cranial nerve V3 |
C1–C4 |
Body dermatomes
Dermatome | Distribution |
C2 | |
C3 | Upper neck, directly inferior to the mandible |
C4 | |
C5 | Below the clavicle, including lower shoulders bilaterally and medial biceps |
C6 | Lateral aspect of forearms and thumbs |
C7 | Middle triceps and mid-palm, including index and middle fingers |
C8 | Medial triceps and medial palm, including ring and small fingers |
T4 | Level of the nipples |
T7 | |
T10 | |
L1 | |
L4 | Patella and large toe |
L5 | Dorsal web space between first and second toes |
S2–S4 | Penile and anal regions |
Referred pain in dermatomes
Referred pain is the perception of sensory information in a location that differs from the actual site of the stimulus. The pain is sensed from a particular spinal cord level but the CNS interprets this pain as coming from another location that is innervated by the same spinal cord level.
Spinal cord level | Organ | Area of referred pain |
C3–C5 | Diaphragm via phrenic nerve | Shoulder |
T10 | Umbilical region | |
T1–T4 | Upper thorax and left arm | |
T5–T9 | Foregut (organs supplied by the celiac trunk) | Lower thorax and epigastrium |
T10–T12 | Midgut (organs supplied by the superior mesenteric artery) | Umbilical region |
L1–L2 | Hindgut (organs supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery) | Hypogastrium and groin |
T12 | Lateral flanks and pubic region |
To remember the segments that innervate the diaphragm, think of “C3–C5 keep the diaphragm alive.”
Embryology of the spinal cord
Neurulation begins during the third week of gestation, during which the neural plate folds over at the midline and fuses to form the neural tube. The neural tube then forms both the spinal cord and brain.
Neurulation derivatives
Structure | Characteristics | Derivatives |
Notochord |
Neural plate |
| |
Neural folds |
| |
Neural crest cells |
| |
Neural tube |
See also “Neurulation” in embryogenesis for more information.
The rostral neuropore closes by day 26, the caudal neuropore closes by day 28. The failure of neuropores to completely close causes neural tube defects (e.g., spina bifida).
Clinical significance
Complete spinal cord injuries
Incomplete spinal cord injuries
Other spinal cord pathologies
- Epidural hematoma
- Multiple sclerosis
- Degenerative disk disease
- Syringomyelia
- Myelopathy
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Subacute combined degeneration
- Cauda equina syndrome
- Conus medullaris syndrome
- Spina bifida
- Anterior spinal artery syndrome
- Posterior spinal artery syndrome: loss of function of the cord that is supplied by the posterior spinal arteries, namely the posterior (dorsal) columns, resulting in loss of proprioception and vibratory sensation at and below the level of the injury
- Tabes dorsalis
- Hereditary spastic paraplegia
- Spinal muscular atrophy
- Poliomyelitis
Spinal arteriovenous malformation [6]
- Definition: congenital malformation of spinal blood vessels
- Epidemiology: usually presents in younger patients
- Pathophysiology: abnormal arteriovenous connections of spinal arteries to veins within the dura (intramedullary, mostly thoracic or lumbar) → arterialization of spinal veins → congestive myelopathy because of venous hypertension, stasis, and multi-segmental spinal cord lesions → mass effect and/or ischemia and/or hemorrhage into the cord
Clinical features
- Features of subarachnoid hemorrhage (e.g., headache, photophobia)
- Features of intraparenchymal hemorrhage (e.g., localized pain, distinct level of paresthesia and paraplegia, urinary and fecal incontinence)
- Mass effect of arteriovenous malformations (e.g., spinal cord compression)
- MRI: cluster of low-intensity signal foci
- Spinal digital subtraction angiography (DSA)
- Treatment: possibly endovascular embolization/occlusion or surgical resection (depends on type and localization) [7]
- Complications: tetraplegia with motor and sensory loss