
Wheezing in children

Last updated: September 13, 2024

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This article provides an overview of conditions causing wheezing in children. While acute wheezing in children may suggest a common cold, an acute asthma exacerbation, viral bronchiolitis, foreign body aspiration, anaphylaxis, acute bronchitis, or croup, recurrent or chronic wheezing may indicate a diagnosis of asthma, double aortic arch, primary ciliary dyskinesia, cystic fibrosis, tracheomalacia, or left-sided heart failure with cardiomegaly.

For more information on each specific condition, see the respective articles.

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Acute wheezing in childrentoggle arrow icon

Differential diagnosis of acute wheezing in children


Characteristics Diagnostics
Common cold
  • Children < 6 years of age have an average of 6–8 common colds per year. [1]

Acute asthma exacerbation

Viral bronchiolitis
  • Primarily affects children < 2 years of age during winter [4]

Foreign body aspiration (FBA)

  • Primarily occurs in children < 3 years of age [5]
  • Occurs at any age
Acute bronchitis
  • Most common in children < 5 years of age [6]
Croup (laryngotracheobronchitis)
  • Peak incidence: 6 months to 3 years of age [7]
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Chronic or recurrent wheezing in childrentoggle arrow icon

Differential diagnosis of chronic or recurrent wheezing in children


Characteristics Diagnostic findings
Double aortic arch
  • Congenital; manifests in first weeks of life [8]

Primary ciliary dyskinesia

  • Median age at diagnosis: 5.3 years [9]

Cystic fibrosis


  • Congenital; symptoms usually manifest at 4–8 weeks of age [11]
  • Ineffective croup-like cough (due to tracheal collapse)
  • Inspiratory and expiratory stridor, wheezing that may vary with activity and position
  • Recurrent respiratory illnesses
Left-sided heart failure with cardiomegaly
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