Neurophysiological diagnostics
Last updated: August 25, 2023
Electroencephalography (EEG)
Definition: a recording that shows the fluctuation of net electrical potential at different points on the cerebral cortex
Principle: Every neuron generates an electrical potential irrespective of the degree of neuronal firing. EEG electrodes add up these electrical potentials at different points, which allows visualization of neuronal activity of different areas of the cortex. The entire EEG recording is then examined for physiological or pathological patterns of electrical activity.
6–19 electrodes are symmetrically placed on the scalp and the electrical activity is measured
- The potential difference between two electrodes is measured and represented as line tracing.
Interpretation: The following steps should be followed when interpreting an EEG:
- Define the background electrical activity of the brain. This baseline EEG serves as a control.
- Look for physiological or pathological patterns of electrical activity (see “EEG patterns”).
- Localize the pathology by identifying the EEG tracing associated with abnormal electrical activity.
Physiological EEG waveforms |
Wave type | Frequency | Stage of onset |
Alpha waves | 8–12 Hz |
- Awake but eyes are closed
Berger effect: a physiological phenomenon in which alpha wave activity decreases when a person opens his/her eyes or concentrates (transition into beta waves)
Beta waves | 13–30 Hz |
Gamma waves | > 30 Hz |
Wide-awake and concentrating
Delta waves (EEG) | 0.1–4 Hz |
Theta waves | 4–8 Hz |

EEG patterns
Physiological EEG patterns |
Patterns | Characteristics | Occurrence |
Vertex waves (V waves) |
Rapidly-rising, triphasic, positive, low-amplitude waveforms
- Mostly bilateral and symmetric; best seen at the vertex
Sleep spindles |
- Pattern of low-amplitude waves that occur in rapid succession with a frequency of approximately 13 Hz
K complex |
POSTS (positive occipital sharp transients of sleep) |
- Sharp, occipital, positive waves (may be isolated or grouped together with a frequency of 4–5 Hz)
Pathological EEG patterns |
Patterns | Characteristics | Occurrence |
Slow activity |
- Background (baseline) activity with a frequency of < 8 Hz in an awake adult.
- A nonspecific sign of disturbed brain function
Paroxysmal discharge |
A general term used to describe any pattern of electrical activity which begins suddenly and stands out from the background electrical activity of the brain (e.g., spikes, sharp waves, etc.)
- An epileptiform discharge
Sharp wave |
- Rapidly rising wave between 70 and 200 ms
Spike (EEG) |
- A steeply sloped peak < 70 ms
Spike-and-wave activity |
- A spike followed by a slow wave
Polyspike and polyspike-wave complex |
- A pattern of waves and many spikes in rapid succession (= polyspikes)
- Referred to as a polyspike-wave complex if followed by slow waves
Periodic sharp wave complex |
- Waveform with a frequency of 1–2 Hz
Hypsarrhythmia |
- Generalized, irregular, slow waveforms interspersed with multifocal polymorphic spikes

Evoked potentials
Definition: the electrical response of the CNS (as measured by an EEG) to stimulation of sensory organs or a peripheral nerve
Interpretation: Neurological diseases increase the latency and/or decrease the amplitude of the EP.
Types of evoked potential | Stimulus | Indication |
Visual evoked potential (VEP) |
- Light impulse
- Checkered patterns
Brainstem auditory evoked potential (AEP) |
- Auditory stimuli (delivered via headphones)
Somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) |
Motor evoked potential (MEP) |
Nerve conduction study (NCS)
A direct electrical stimulus is applied to a motor nerve (motor nerve conduction study) and/or sensory nerve (sensory nerve conduction study) via surface electrodes at two or more points, and various parameters related to compound action potentials (CMAPs) are measured.

Definition: recording of a purely sensory portion of a nerve in response to electrical nerve stimulation
Indication: to determine whether sensory symptoms arise proximal or distal to the dorsal root ganglia
Definition: Recording of a muscle's compound action potentials (CMAP) after stimulation of its innervating motor nerve.
Measured parameters
Electromyography (EMG)
- Definition: A diagnostic test that measures the activity of muscles in response to neural stimulation, in order to detect dysfunction at the level of the neuromuscular junction, the muscle, or the corresponding nerve.
Differentiate neuropathic from myopathic muscle weakness
- Determine the prognosis after nerve damage
- Estimate the age of a nerve lesion
- Diagnose sub-clinical myopathies
Localize neurological injury
- Motor neurons in the brain or spinal cord: e.g., ALS, poliomyelitis
- Nerve root: e.g., herniated disk
- Peripheral nerves: e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome, Guillain-Barré syndrome, other polyneuropathies
- Neuromuscular junction: e.g., myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, botulism
- Muscle: e.g., inflammatory myopathies, myotonic syndromes, muscular dystrophies
- Needle electrodes are inserted into a muscle.
- The electrical activity of the muscle is measured during rest (tonic activity) and during movements (phasic muscle activity).
- Interpretation
EMG findings of neuropathy vs. myopathy |
Findings | Neuropathy | Myopathy |
Electrical activity at rest | Increased activity with needle insertion and pathological spontaneous discharge with fibrillations and fasciculations
| Little or no spontaneous electrical activity |
Motor unit potential | Large-amplitude, polyphasic, and prolonged motor unit potential
| Low-amplitude, polyphasic, and shortened motor unit potentials
Interference pattern | Reduced interference pattern: muscle discharges have a low frequency but a large amplitude | Full interference pattern: muscle discharges have a high frequency but a small amplitude |