
Animal bites

Last updated: March 7, 2025

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Bite wounds can result in physical trauma, bacterial infection, virus transmission, and in some cases, envenomation. The general management of bite wounds involves assessment of the wound, acute wound management, and prophylaxis to prevent infections (e.g., rabies postexposure prophylaxis, tetanus prophylaxis, antibiotic prophylaxis). More specific therapy is based on the location of the wound and the animal that inflicted the wound. Depending on the severity and location of the injury, specialist management may be necessary, e.g., ophthalmology for wounds involving the eye or eyelid.

This article focuses on the bites of nonvenomous animals; see “Envenomation” for more specific information on venomous animals.

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Overviewtoggle arrow icon

Overview of bite wound management [2][3]
Appropriate for primary wound closure Antibiotic prophylaxis for bite wounds Rabies PEP PEP for other body fluid and bloodborne pathogens
Human bites
  • Yes
  • No
Canine bites
  • Uninfected facial wounds < 24 hours
  • Most other uninfected wounds < 12 hours except hand or foot wounds
  • No
Cat bites
  • Yes
Rodent bites *
  • Uninfected facial wounds < 24 hours
  • Most other uninfected wounds < 12 hours
  • No
  • No
Bat bites *
  • Uninfected facial wounds < 24 hours
  • Most other uninfected wounds < 12 hours
  • No
  • Yes
Monkey bites
  • Yes

Primary wound closure is usually inappropriate for hand and foot bite wounds because of the greater risk of infection. [3]

Human and animal rabies are notifiable diseases.

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Management of bite woundstoggle arrow icon


Follow local public health protocols as mandatory reporting requirements for animal bites vary regionally.


Wound care

Risk of infection from animal bites [3]



Nonfacial wound age < 12 hours > 12 hours
Facial wound age < 24 hours > 24 hours
Hand or foot involvement No Yes
Canine or rodent bite Yes No
Signs of infection No Yes

Antibiotics for bite wounds

Approach [5]

  • Prophylaxis
  • Treatment

Obtain both aerobic and anaerobic cultures to guide the treatment of infected bite wounds. [5][6]

Preferred agents [1][6][7][8]

Alternative agents [1][6][7][8]

Additional prophylaxis [2]

Foxes, skunks, raccoons, and bats are the main reservoir species for rabies in the US, but all mammals are susceptible. [9]


Complications of bite wounds [2]

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Human bitestoggle arrow icon

Transmissible bacteria

Clinical features [2]

Signs of wound infection are common as there is often a delay before patients seek health care for human bites.

Maintain a high degree of suspicion for a clenched-fist injury in dorsal hand lacerations as patients may not initially disclose involvement in an altercation. [2]

Management [2][10][11]

Human bites carry a high risk of polymicrobial infection by organisms such as Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Fusobacterium spp., and Eikenella corrodens. [2]

Consider screening for sexual violence, intimate partner violence, or child maltreatment in at-risk patients with human occlusive bite wounds. [2]


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Canine bitestoggle arrow icon

Canines include domestic dogs, foxes, coyotes, and wolves.

Although dog bites are the leading cause of rabies transmission worldwide, the risk of contracting rabies from domestic dogs in the US is low. [14]

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Cat bitestoggle arrow icon

Provide antibiotic prophylaxis for bite wounds (e.g., amoxicillin/clavulanate) with coverage for cat-specific flora (e.g., Pasteurella multocida) because of the high infection rate of cat bites.

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Rodent bitestoggle arrow icon

Rodents include mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, squirrels, and beavers.

Rodents are rarely found to have rabies and have not been known to transmit rabies to humans. [17]

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Bat bitestoggle arrow icon

Any direct contact with a bat (e.g., touch, bite, or scratch) may transmit rabies. [14]

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Monkey bitestoggle arrow icon

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Shark bitestoggle arrow icon

  • Examples: great white shark, tiger shark, bull shark
  • Epidemiology
    • Despite posing a relatively low public health risk, shark-related injuries often generate disproportionately great public and media attention.
    • Annually, 70–80 unprovoked shark attacks occur worldwide [22]
  • Management

Approx. 7% of shark attacks are fatal. [23]

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