
Neoplastic meningitis

Last updated: October 2, 2023

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Neoplastic meningitis is the infiltration of the meninges by tumor cells. It affects approximately 5% of all patients with cancer. Based on the origin of the primary tumor, the condition may be categorized as carcinomatous, lymphomatous, or leukemic meningitis. Some clinical features are secondary to elevated intracranial pressure and include headaches, papilledema, and altered mental status. Treatment is based on the type of primary tumor and the extent of disease. As neoplastic meningitis is usually a sign of advanced disease with systemic spread, the overall prognosis is poor.

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General principles [5][6]

Neuroimaging [5][6][7]

Lumbar puncture [5][6][8]

Leptomeningeal biopsy [5][6]

  • Indications (rarely performed)
    • Negative CSF cytology
    • No prior history of cancer
    • Treatment is indicated but diagnosis is uncertain.
  • Confirmatory result: malignant cells

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Treatmenttoggle arrow icon

General principles [5][6]

Goals of treatment include improving or stabilizing neurological function and prolonging survival with a reasonable quality of life.

Anticancer therapies [5][6]

Treatment typically involves a combination of the following:

Neoplastic meningitis is usually a sign of advanced disease and therefore has a very poor prognosis.

Supportive care [2][5][6]

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