
Pregnancy loss

Last updated: February 17, 2025

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Pregnancy loss can occur even in previously healthy pregnancies. If it occurs before 20 weeks' gestation (∼ 10% of pregnancies), it is called miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. If it occurs after 20 weeks' gestation, it is called stillbirth or intrauterine fetal demise. There is no widely accepted definition of recurrent pregnancy loss, but it often refers to ≥ 2 losses before viability. The majority of spontaneous abortions are due to fetal aneuploidy. Other common causes of spontaneous abortion are maternal disease, trauma, and congenital anomalies. Stillbirth can be caused by maternal disease, placental disorders, umbilical cord complications, or fetal congenital anomalies. In many cases, the cause of spontaneous abortion or stillbirth is unknown. The management of pregnancy loss depends on the week of gestation and clinical presentation and may involve medication-induced evacuation of the pregnancy, surgical evacuation of the pregnancy, or expectant management. After a spontaneous abortion, the products of conception should undergo histopathological examination. Similarly, fetal autopsy should be offered after a stillbirth in order to determine the underlying cause and address any modifiable etiologies.

See also “Counseling on pregnancy loss” and “Induced abortion.”

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Overviewtoggle arrow icon

Types of pregnancy loss [1]
Type [2][3] Definition Findings Treatment
Threatened abortion
  • An abortion process starting before 20 weeks' gestation that has not progressed to a state from which recovery is impossible (potentially reversible)
Inevitable abortion
Missed abortion
Incomplete abortion
  • Passage of some but not all POC before 20 weeks' gestation
Complete abortion
  • The complete passage of all POC before 20 weeks' gestation
  • No treatment required
  • Absence of fetal movements and cardiac activity
  • Cervical os variable

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Spontaneous abortiontoggle arrow icon

Definitions [1][2]

Etiology [1]

Causes of spontaneous abortion include:

Clinical features [3][4]

Diagnostics [2][3][5]

General principles

Features of spontaneous pregnancy loss [3]
Type Vaginal bleeding Fetal cardiac activity Products of conception (POC) Cervical os
Threatened abortion
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Intrauterine
  • Closed
Inevitable abortion
  • Yes
  • May be present
  • Visible/palpable POC
  • Dilated
Missed abortion
  • No
  • No
  • No expulsion of the POC
  • Closed
Incomplete abortion
  • Yes
  • No
  • Dilated
Complete abortion
  • Yes
  • No
  • Closed

Diagnostic confirmation of fetal death prior to treatment is essential to avoid compromising a viable pregnancy.

Consider the diagnosis of septic abortion in patients with clinical features of pregnancy loss and fever. [6]

Clinical evaluation

In stable patients after a resolved episode of mild to moderate vaginal bleeding, pregnancy viability may be assessed by ultrasound without a bimanual or speculum examination. [4]


Perform a pelvic ultrasound on pregnant patients who present to the emergency department with abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding, regardless of β-hCG levels. [9]

Laboratory studies

  • Serial serum β-hCG: : Downtrending levels suggest a failed pregnancy. [10][11][12]
  • Additional studies

β-hCG levels above the discriminatory zone threshold without visualization of an intrauterine pregnancy on ultrasound should raise concern for spontaneous abortion or ectopic pregnancy. [13]

Management [2][3][4]


Consult OB/GYN for emergency surgical evacuation for miscarriage complicated by heavy bleeding, hemodynamic instability, or septic abortion.

Threatened abortion

Inevitable abortion, incomplete abortion, or missed abortion

Management of uncomplicated spontaneous abortions depends mostly on patient preference.

Instruct patients managed expectantly or with medical evacuation to seek medical attention without delay for heavy bleeding, fever, or any other concerning symptom.


See also “Complications of induced abortion.”


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Acute management checklisttoggle arrow icon

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Recurrent spontaneous abortiontoggle arrow icon

This section only addresses recurrent pregnancy loss prior to 20 weeks' gestation, i.e., spontaneous abortions. Recurrent stillbirths may involve additional diagnostics and management.

Definitions [16]

Recurrent spontaneous abortion is defined as multiple spontaneous abortions. It may be further classified into either: [17][18][19][20]

Etiology [16][19][20]

The most common treatable cause of recurrent pregnancy loss is antiphospholipid syndrome. [16]

The cause of recurrent pregnancy loss is not identified in more than half of affected individuals. [16][17]

Diagnosis [16][17][19][20]

Following a recurrent spontaneous abortion, send products of conception for genetic analysis and arrange further evaluation in consultation with appropriate specialists.

Routine evaluation for inherited thrombophilia in individuals with recurrent pregnancy loss is not recommended. [17][19]

Management [16][17][22]

Refer all patients to a multidisciplinary team for appropriate management, which includes:

Pregnant individuals with antiphospholipid syndrome should receive thromboprophylaxis for APS during pregnancy to prevent pregnancy loss. [27][28]

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Stillbirthtoggle arrow icon

Definition [29]

Etiology [29][30]

Clinical features [31]

  • Absence of fetal movements and cardiac activity
  • Delivery of a fetus with no signs of life

Diagnostics [29]

Management [29][31]


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