
Principles of pain management

Last updated: February 3, 2025

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Pain is an unpleasant sensation (sensory and emotional) with biological, psychological, and social components. There are several ways to classify pain, the most common being by duration (i.e., acute, subacute, and chronic). Acute pain lasts for < 1 month. It can indicate actual or potential tissue damage and is associated with trauma, surgery, and illness. Subacute pain lasts for 1–3 months, and chronic pain lasts > 3 months (i.e., beyond normal tissue healing time). Clinical evaluation of pain involves a thorough history, physical examination, and assessment of pain severity using a standardized pain intensity scale. Pain management is multimodal and can include analgesics, nonpharmacological analgesia, and interventional pain management strategies. The WHO analgesic ladder can help clinicians select an appropriate pain management strategy based on pain severity and response to existing management.

The principles of pain management are detailed in this article. Acute pain management, chronic noncancer pain management, and pain management in palliative care are detailed separately.

Classification of paintoggle arrow icon

By duration

  • Acute pain
    • A warning signal indicating actual or potential tissue damage that triggers a protective reaction
    • Typically associated with trauma, surgery, and acute illness
    • Lasts < 1 month [1]
  • Subacute pain: lasts 1–3 months [1]
  • Chronic pain
    • Pain that lasts beyond the normal tissue healing time (> 3 months) [1][2]
    • Unlike acute pain, chronic pain has no protective role in preventing further tissue damage and can be considered a disease entity in its own right.

By type

Pathophysiologytoggle arrow icon

Pain pathway

Nociceptors detect a chemical, mechanical, or thermal noxious stimulus → conversion of stimulus to an electric signal (action potential) ; C fibers and Aδ fibers carry afferent input to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord → secondary nociceptive neurons in the spinothalamic tract carry afferent input to the thalamus in the CNS pain perception and a response sent along efferent pathways, which results in pain modulation and/or a reaction [3]

Withdrawal reflex

A polysynaptic spinal reflex that causes a part of the body to move away from a painful stimulus (e.g., a hot object) via contraction of flexor muscles and relaxation of extensor muscles [3]

Pain sensitization [4][5]

  • Abnormal pain perception due to increased neuronal sensitivity to noxious stimuli (hyperalgesia) and/or reduced neuronal threshold to otherwise normal stimuli (allodynia) in response to local injury, inflammation, and/or repetitive stimulation
  • Plays a major role in the generation and maintenance of chronic pain and neuropathic pain (e.g., postherpetic neuralgia)
  • Although not completely understood, the pathophysiology is thought to involve the following two mechanisms:
    • Peripheral sensitization
      • Injury, inflammation, or repetitive stimulation of the peripheral nociceptive neurons local release of chemical mediators (e.g., cytokines, nerve growth factors, histamine)→ repeated or prolonged exposure to chemical mediators upregulates the ion channels in the nociceptors increases sensitivity and/or reduces threshold to chemical mediators even further → increased action potentials → abnormal pain perception
      • Usually ceases once the tissue injury or inflammation heals
    • Central sensitization
      • Injury and/or inflammation of the CNS (e.g., dorsal horn of the spinal cord, brain) → increased excitability and reduced inhibition in the CNS and recruitment of non-nociceptive fibers (e.g., Aβ fibers) into the nociceptive pathway → abnormal pain perception
      • Chronic peripheral pain disorders can be a significant driver to the sensitization of central nociceptive neurons
      • Usually continues even after the initial injury has healed

Subtypes and variantstoggle arrow icon

Referred pain

Overview of referred pain
Organ Dermatome Projection
Diaphragm C4 Shoulders
Heart T3–4 Left chest
Esophagus T4–5 Retrosternal
Stomach T6–9 Epigastrium
Liver, gallbladder T10–L1 Right upper quadrant
Small bowel T10–L1 Periumbilical
Colon T11–L1 Lower abdomen
Bladder T11–L1 Suprapubic
Kidneys, testicles T10–L1 Groin


Phantom limb syndrome

  • Definition
    • Phantom sensation: is a sensation that the amputated limb is still partially or totally existent
    • Phantom pain: sensation of pain in an amputated limb
      • Intermittent pain of varying character (e.g., burning, tingling, shooting, itching, squeezing, aching, electric shock-like sensation)
      • Onset usually within days to weeks after amputation; pain often resolves or lessens over time
  • Incidence: common complication after upper or lower extremity amputation
  • Pathophysiology: primary somatosensory cortex neurons that formerly respond to signals from the amputated limb respond to signals from adjacent neurons that carry sensation from other parts of the body → functional reorganization of the somatosensory cortex [8]
  • Diagnosis: diagnosed only after exclusion of other causes of stump pain (e.g., infection, ischemia, post-surgical neuroma)
  • Treatment: multimodal approach
  • Prophylaxis: perioperative regional anesthesia


Evaluation of paintoggle arrow icon

To optimize pain management, a thorough history and assessment of pain is required prior to initiating treatment.

  • Pain characteristics (location, quality, temporal aspects, triggers)
  • Associated symptoms (changes in mobility and strength)
  • Previous pain assessments and/or treatment
  • Pain intensity scale: subjective grading of pain severity by the patient
  • Impact of pain
    • E.g., on daily life, sleep, activities
    • This may also be evaluated through the use of validated scales, e.g., the PEG pain scale for chronic pain
  • Pain diary: regular documentation of the pain intensity to identify peaks and triggers; enables treatment optimization

Pain can be difficult to assess in nonverbal patients; obtain supporting information from caretakers and use a specialized pain score, e.g., the nonverbal pain scale.

Be aware of implicit bias in the assessment of pain: Hispanic and Black patients are less likely to receive any and/or appropriate analgesia compared to White patients, even when reported pain scores are identical. [10][11]

Pain is subjective! Pain scales are used to assess a patient's pain and response to pain management over time. They cannot be used to compare pain intensity between patients.


Analgesicstoggle arrow icon

WHO analgesic ladder

The WHO analgesic ladder is a 3-step algorithm for the management of acute and chronic pain.

  • Regular analgesic (modified-release drugs, administered at fixed times and doses)
    • By the mouth: preferably, analgesics should be given orally.
    • By the clock: regular administration at fixed times, rather than on demand
    • By the ladder (symptom-oriented): if the patient is still in pain, it is necessary to go up a step
  • Appropriate PRN medication
    • Short-acting analgesics for peaks in pain
    • If PRN medication is required ≥ 3×/day → inadequate analgesia likely; review the regular medication
  • Additionally, concurrent treatment with adjuvant drugs
Management of pain using WHO analgesic ladder [13]
Pain severity Nonopioid analgesics Mild opioids Strong opioids Adjuvant drugs
Step I Mild Include Avoid Avoid If required
Step II Moderate Include Consider Avoid If required
Step III Severe Include Consider Consider If required

Nonopioid analgesics are first-line agents for pain; prescribe them alone for mild to moderate pain and in combination with opioids for severe pain. [14]

For both opioid and nonopioid analgesics, use the minimal effective dose for the shortest duration of time to minimize adverse effects. Pain intensity scales should be used in regular intervals to assess the success of pain management.

Oral analgesics

The following information pertains to adults. See “Pain management in children” for pediatric recommendations.

Oral analgesics
Drug class Drug Important considerations
Nonopioids Acetaminophen [15]
NSAIDs [15]
  • Ibuprofen and naproxen are the preferred first-line analgesics for mild to moderate pain. [15]
  • Use with caution in patients with PUD and renal disease.
  • Contraindicated in patients with a recent MI and in the perioperative period of CABG (exception: low-dose aspirin in the management of acute MI)
  • Avoid NSAIDs, if feasible, in patients with bleeding disorders and those who will soon undergo surgery or an invasive procedure.
  • See “NSAIDs” for further information.

Selective COX-2 inhibitor

  • Preferred second-line analgesic for mild to moderate pain [15]
  • Preferred over NSAIDs in patients with PUD
  • Use with caution in patients with renal or cardiovascular disease. [16]
  • See “Selective COX-2 inhibitors” for further information.
Sodium channel blocker
  • Suzetrigine
  • For moderate to severe acute pain
  • First dose on an empty stomach; subsequent doses can be taken with food
  • Avoid use in patients with severe hepatic impairment (Child class C).

Combination analgesics

All patients being discharged with opioid medications should receive counseling on the use of prescription opioids.

Parenteral analgesics

Parenteral analgesics
Drug class Drug Important considerations

Analgesic suppositories

Topical analgesics

Topical analgesics
Drug Dose Indications

Adjuvant analgesics


Anticonvulsants are useful adjuncts in the management of neuropathic pain. They typically will not be helpful for acute pain, rather are more commonly used for chronic neuropathic pain.

Muscle relaxants

Consider muscle relaxants in patients with pain associated with muscle spasticity.


Tricyclic antidepressants and SNRIs can be helpful for chronic pain syndromes and neuropathic pain. Antidepressants for chronic or neuropathic pain are recommended by the American Society of Anesthesiologists in their 2010 guideline, but only duloxetine is FDA-approved for this indication. All others are off-label use. [24][25]

Intravenous patient-controlled analgesia

  • Infusion pump designed to release additional IV medication in response to patient's request
  • Indication: severe acute pain that is difficult to manage and is expected to be limited in duration

Management of side effects of analgesics

Nonpharmacological analgesiatoggle arrow icon

Multiple nonpharmacological therapies are often used in combination (e.g., exercise therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy).

Physical modalities [1][27]

Consider referral to physical therapy and/or occupational therapy.

Patients may require analgesia to participate in physical therapy; maximize nonopioid pharmacological therapy first. [31][32]

Psychological modalities [1][27]

Refer to a psychologist as needed.

Other modalities [1][27]

Special patient groupstoggle arrow icon

Pain management in children [36][37]

Outpatient pain management

Aspirin is not recommended in most pediatric patients due to the risk of Reye syndrome. [38]

Procedural pain in neonates and infants

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Referencestoggle arrow icon

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