

Last updated: November 29, 2024

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Burns can be caused by heat, chemicals, electricity, friction, and radiation. Injury severity is determined by the depth and extent of the burn. Burn depth is classified as first degree (superficial), second degree (superficial partial thickness or deep partial thickness), third degree (full thickness), or fourth degree (deep injury). Burn extent is classified by the percentage of the body surface area involved, known as the total body surface area (TBSA), typically using the rule of nines or the Lund-Browder chart. Major burns often cause extensive tissue necrosis and severe systemic inflammatory reactions. Early treatment for major burns includes airway management, supplemental oxygen, and large volumes of IV fluid; IV fluid resuscitation is initiated using a protocol but guided by clinical response, e.g., urine output and blood pressure. Inhalation injuries and acute compartment syndrome can complicate burn management, e.g., escharotomy may be required. Serial arterial blood gas, electrolyte, CBC, and creatinine studies are essential in the management of major burns; frequent assessment of peripheral perfusion is required in circumferential limb burns. All burns are initially managed with pain management, topical ointments, and nonadherent dressings, and major burns often require further management such as debridement of necrotic tissue followed by interventions such as skin grafting or flap reconstruction. Burn wounds are susceptible to infection, which increases mortality rates. Shock, sepsis, and respiratory failure are among the most common causes of death after a burn injury.

Etiologytoggle arrow icon

Thermal burns [1]

  • Most common type of burn
  • Flame burns: fire
  • Contact burns: hot surfaces
  • Scalding: hot liquids or steam

Nonthermal burns [2]

  • Chemical burns
  • Electrical burns
    • Low-voltage sources: electrical cords, outlets in households
    • High-voltage sources: power lines, lightning
  • Radiation burns
    • Electromagnetic waves
      • UV radiation (e.g., from sunlight, phototherapy)
      • X-rays, gamma rays (e.g., from radiotherapy, radiodiagnostic procedures, nuclear accidents)
      • Infrared waves (e.g., from warming lamps), microwaves
    • High-energy particles (e.g., from radiotherapy, nuclear accidents): alpha particles, beta particles, high-energy neutrons
  • Friction burns: skin injury caused by abrasion against a hard surface (esp. at high speeds) and the heat generated by the resulting friction (e.g., from skidding across the street due to a motorcycle accident)

Although most burn injuries are unintentional, intentional injury must always be suspected in vulnerable populations, such as children and older adults.

Classificationtoggle arrow icon

Burn severity [3]

  • Burn severity is primarily based on the depth of burn and extent of burn.
  • Additional factors that determine severity include:
    • Burn location, e.g., face, hands, across joints
    • Concurrent injuries
    • Patient age
    • Comorbid diseases or conditions
  • Small burns can have severe consequences; consult a burn specialist for second- to fourth-degree burns.

Depth of burn [4]

Burn depth is determined by the skin layers involved.

Overview of burn depth

Degree of burns

Affected tissue layers

Clinical features

Pain Wound blanching on pressure Appearance

1st-degree burn (superficial burn)

  • Yes (localized pain)
  • Yes
  • Rapid refill
  • Healing within 3–6 days
  • No scarring

2nd-degree burn (partial thickness burn)

2a (superficial partial thickness burn)
  • Yes (especially with the movement of air or changes in temperature in the area surrounding the wound)
  • Yes
  • Slow refill
2b (deep partial thickness burn)
  • Yes (pain is typically felt on applying pressure)
  • No
  • Very slow refill
  • Vesicles/bullae: fragile (rupture easily)
  • Mottled coloration of the skin with red and/or white patches
  • Healing takes 3 weeks or longer.
  • Scar formation

3rd-degree burn (full thickness burn)

  • No (perception of deep pressure is intact)
  • No
  • The burn does not heal by itself.

4th-degree burn (deeper injury burn)

  • No (minimal perception of deep pressure)

In deep partial-thickness burns, pain may be absent due to damage to sensory nerve endings.

Reassess burn depth periodically, as it can increase after initiating resuscitation.

Extent of burn [3]

The percentage of total body surface area (TBSA) injured is used to quantify the extent of burn injury relative to the entire skin surface.

First-degree burns are not included when calculating TBSA.

Rule of nines

  • A clinical tool used to rapidly assess the TBSA affected by burns in adults
  • The adult body is divided into regions, each comprising ∼ 9% of the body surface area: head/neck, two regions on the anterior trunk, two regions on the posterior trunk, each arm, and two regions on each leg. The genital/perineal region accounts for 1%.
  • The rule of nines does not accurately account for proportions in children.
    • Children's heads are up to 20% proportionally larger than adults.
    • Children's legs are up to 13% proportionally smaller than adults.

Lund-Browder chart

  • A standardized table used to estimate TBSA affected by burns by age group
  • Most accurate method for assessing burn extent
Body surface area estimation with Lund-Browder chart
Region Adult Child Infant
Head 7% 9–17% 19%
Trunk 26% (13% anterior, 13% posterior)
Arms and hands 19% (9.5% each side)
Thighs 19% (9.5% each side) 13–18% (6.5–9% each side) 11%
Lower legs and feet 21% (10.5% each side) 17–20% (8.5–10% each side) 17%
Genital 1%

Palmar method

  • A method of calculating TBSA using the patient's palm, which is equivalent to ∼ 1% of their body surface area
  • Least accurate method

Pathophysiologytoggle arrow icon

Thermal burns

Local effects

  • Local changes at the burn site (Jackson model of the burn wound) [1]
    • Zone of coagulation: a central zone of irreversible, coagulative necrosis
    • Zone of stasis: surrounds the central zone of coagulation and is comprised of damaged but viable tissue with decreased perfusion
    • Zone of hyperemia: surrounds the zone of stasis and is characterized by inflammation and increased blood flow
  • Bacterial colonization of the burn site
  • Eschars: a skin lesion characterized by dried, necrotic skin tissue
    • Can cause constrictive effects
    • Circumferential eschars (burns that fully encircle the chest, neck, abdomen, and/or an extremity) → loss of skin elasticity → impaired blood flow and/or compartment syndrome (caused by an accumulation of fluids) → acute ischemia distal to the eschar
    • Significant eschar on chest or neck → restriction of chest excursion → asphyxia

Inadequate resuscitation and/or wound care may result in irreversible damage to the zone of stasis and increased burn depth.

Systemic effects [5]

Burns involving > 30% of the body surface area and third- or fourth-degree burns are likely to have systemic effects.

Nonthermal burns [6]

Alkali burns cause significantly more tissue damage and have a higher risk of systemic toxicity than acid burns. Local tissue damage from alkalis can continue for up to 2–3 days after exposure.

Initial managementtoggle arrow icon

For treatment of minor burns, see “Local burn wound care.”

Approach to burns

Primary survey

The primary survey should follow the ATLS and Advanced Burn Life Support algorithms. Obtain specialist consultation concurrently with management if indicated (e.g., activate the trauma team for trauma patients, consult obstetrics for pregnant patients).

Be prepared for a difficult airway as a result of direct thermal injury and/or upper airway edema from IV fluid resuscitation.

Treat pain due to major burns with small, frequent doses of IV opioids; avoid subcutaneous and intramuscular opioid administration because drug absorption is unpredictable. [3][12]

Secondary survey

Indications for early intubation in burns [3][10]

Special mechanisms [3]

Additional early management steps may be required depending on the cause of the burn injury.

Certain burn patterns (e.g., scald burns) should raise concern for nonaccidental injury.

Urgent consults

Diagnosistoggle arrow icon

Diagnostic testing is based on burn severity. Patients with minor burns may not require any testing. Patients with major burns require testing, but care and/or transfer should not be delayed. [3]

Bedside diagnostics

Laboratory studies [3][10]

A single normal ABG does not rule out inhalation injury; remain vigilant for the development of symptoms for 24 hours. [10]

Managementtoggle arrow icon

Follow the initial management of burns for all patients.


Definitive management

Definitive management should be guided by a specialist and may include:

Fluid resuscitation in burnstoggle arrow icon

Major burns (e.g., > 20% TBSA) result in increased capillary permeability, causing significant intravascular hypovolemia requiring IV fluid resuscitation. [3][15][16]


Titrate fluid resuscitation to clinical response to minimize edema formation. [3]

American Burn Association recommended protocol [3][15]

This protocol is recommended over the Parkland formula to reduce the risks of overresuscitation, e.g., perfusion-threatening; edema, pleural effusion.

Parkland formula

  • A traditional fluid resuscitation protocol for patients with burn injuries
  • Risk of overresuscitation, which can lead to complications
  • First 24-hour total volume: 4 mL x % of TBSA affected by 2nd- and 3rd-degree burns x weight in kg

Local burn wound caretoggle arrow icon

Minor burns [3][13]

Major burns [3][13]

Consult a burn specialist as soon as possible.

Treat hypoxemia and hypovolemia before giving narcotics or sedatives to avoid masking features of these life-threatening conditions. [10]

Supportive care for burn injuriestoggle arrow icon

Escharotomytoggle arrow icon

Fasciotomy is indicated if signs of acute compartment syndrome persist after escharotomy. [20]

Dispositiontoggle arrow icon

  • Minor burns: outpatient follow-up at a burn clinic [6]
  • Consider hospital admission for patients with any of the following: [6]
    • Large, deep burn wounds
    • Comorbidities
    • Concurrent trauma injuries
    • Inability to care for wounds in an outpatient setting
  • Criteria for transfer to a burn center [3][10]

Complicationstoggle arrow icon

We list the most important complications. The selection is not exhaustive.

Inhalation injurytoggle arrow icon

Definition [3]

Inhalation injuries are defined as damage to the respiratory tract caused by inhalation of superheated gas or steam, toxic byproducts of fire, or other primary irritants.


Pathophysiology [3]

  • Supraglottic injuries: mainly due to thermal damage, which leads to epithelial sloughing, hypersecretion, and airway obstruction from swelling and secretions
  • Subglottic injuries: due to chemical irritation, which leads to epithelial damage, hypersecretion, impaired ciliary function, and potential airway obstruction

Clinical features [3]

Red flags for inhalation injury [21]

  • Burn injury occurred in a confined space
  • Facial burns, singed eyebrows and/or nose hair
  • Evidence of soot on the face or in the airway, e.g., carbonaceous sputum
  • Stridor, dysphonia
  • Extensive TBSA

Management of inhalation injury [3][10][21]

Initial management

Ongoing management


A normal ABG and/or CXR at presentation does not exclude an inhalation injury; injuries can manifest after 24–48 hours. [3]

Always assess for CO poisoning in patients with major burns, even if pulse oximetry is normal.

Postburn hypermetabolismtoggle arrow icon


Referencestoggle arrow icon

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  2. Friedstat J, Brown DA, Levi B. Chemical, Electrical, and Radiation Injuries. Clin Plast Surg. 2017; 44 (3): p.657-669.doi: 10.1016/j.cps.2017.02.021 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  3. Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. Elsevier Saunders ; 2014
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  6. Gentges J, Schieche C. Electrical injuries in the emergency department: an evidence-based review. Emerg Med Pract. 2018; 20 (11): p.1-20.
  7. Julie L. Ryan. Ionizing Radiation: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2012; 132 (3): p.985-993.doi: 10.1038/jid.2011.411 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  8. Advanced Burn Life Support Course. Updated: January 1, 2018. Accessed: May 3, 2023.
  9. American College of Surgeons and the Committee on Trauma. ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support. American College of Surgeons ; 2018
  10. Greenhalgh DG. Management of Burns. N Engl J Med. 2019; 380 (24): p.2349-2359.doi: 10.1056/nejmra1807442 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  11. Brunicardi F, Andersen D, Billiar T, et al.. Schwartz's Principles of Surgery. McGraw-Hill Education ; 2014
  12. Lloyd EC, Rodgers BC, Michener M, Williams MS. Outpatient burns: prevention and care. Am Fam Physician. 2012; 85 (1): p.25-32.
  13. Walker PF, Buehner MF, Wood LA, et al. Diagnosis and management of inhalation injury: an updated review. Crit Care. 2015; 19 (1).doi: 10.1186/s13054-015-1077-4 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  14. Jeschke MG. Postburn Hypermetabolism: : past, present and future. Journal of Burn Care & Research. 2016; 37 (2): p.86-96.doi: 10.1097/bcr.0000000000000265 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  15. Williams FN, Herndon DN, Jeschke MG. The Hypermetabolic Response to Burn Injury and Interventions to Modify this Response. Clin Plast Surg. 2009; 36 (4): p.583-596.doi: 10.1016/j.cps.2009.05.001 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  16. Hettiaratchy S, Papini R. Initial management of a major burn: II—assessment and resuscitation. BMJ. 2004; 329 (7457): p.101-103.doi: 10.1136/bmj.329.7457.101 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  17. Vercruysse GA, Alam HB, Martin MJ, et al. Western Trauma Association critical decisions in trauma: Preferred triage and initial management of the burned patient. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019; 87 (5): p.1239-1243.doi: 10.1097/ta.0000000000002348 . | Open in Read by QxMD
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  19. Cartotto R, Johnson LS, Savetamal A, et al. American Burn Association Clinical Practice Guidelines on Burn Shock Resuscitation. J Burn Care Res. 2023.doi: 10.1093/jbcr/irad125 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  20. Cartotto R, Greenhalgh DG, Cancio C. Burn State of the Science: Fluid Resuscitation. Journal of Burn Care & Research. 2017; 38 (3): p.e596-e604.doi: 10.1097/bcr.0000000000000541 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  21. Roberts JR. Roberts and Hedges' Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care. Elsevier ; 2018
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  23. Marc G. Jeschke, Margriet E. van Baar, Mashkoor A. Choudhry, Kevin K. Chung, Nicole S. Gibran, Sarvesh Logsetty. Burn injury. Nature Reviews Disease Primers. 2020; 6 (1).doi: 10.1038/s41572-020-0145-5 . | Open in Read by QxMD
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