
Psoas abscess

Last updated: February 7, 2024

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Psoas abscess (also called iliopsoas abscess) is a rare condition characterized by a localized collection of pus in the iliopsoas muscle compartment. It is categorized into primary psoas abscess (caused by hematogenous or lymphatic spread of a pathogen) and secondary psoas abscess (resulting from contiguous spread from an adjacent infectious focus). The most common causes of secondary psoas abscess are infections of gastrointestinal or musculoskeletal origin. Infections are often monomicrobial, with S. aureus most frequently isolated, followed by E. coli. Polymicrobial abscesses are most commonly of gastrointestinal origin. Computed tomography is the diagnostic modality of choice. Empiric antibiotic therapy should be administered as soon as blood cultures and, if possible, abscess cultures are obtained. A small abscess (< 3.5 cm) in a nonseptic patient can be managed with antibiotic therapy alone. Larger or multiloculated abscesses should be drained under image guidance or with surgery. In a psoas abscess of any kind, the underlying cause should be evaluated and treated.

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Etiologytoggle arrow icon

Causative pathogens of psoas abscess
Pathogen Properties
S. aureus
  • Most common causative pathogen [2]
  • Typically associated with a skeletal primary focus
  • Incidence of MRSA is not well established.
E. coli
  • Second most common causative pathogen [2]
  • Typically associated with gastrointestinal or urinary tract primary focus

Bacteroides spp., S. viridans

  • Frequently isolated, especially from a gastrointestinal focus [2][4]
M. tuberculosis
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Clinical featurestoggle arrow icon

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Diagnosistoggle arrow icon

Imaging is required to confirm the clinical diagnosis of psoas abscess. Laboratory studies provide supportive evidence of an acute infectious process and may be used to monitor response to therapy. Tests to evaluate for a suspected primary focus should be guided by the pretest probability of the underlying etiology, as determined by a thorough history and physical examination. If no obvious primary focus of infection can be identified, the psoas abscess is presumed to be a primary psoas abscess. [7]

Laboratory studies [2][6][8]

Obtain blood cultures (and pus/aspirate cultures, if possible) before initiating empiric antibiotic therapy.


CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast (axial section) [2][6][9]

MRI of the pelvis and abdomen with IV contrast [9]

Abdominal ultrasound [10]

  • Indications
    • An alternative to MRI in patients with contraindications for CT scan
    • May be used as a first-line imaging modality to evaluation for intraabdominal infection
  • Supportive findings

Imaging to evaluate for a suspected primary focus

A primary focus within the abdomen or spine may be discovered incidentally during the workup for psoas abscess.

If no primary focus of infection can be identified, primary psoas abscess is most likely. [7]

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Differential diagnosestoggle arrow icon

See also differential diagnosis of low back pain.

The differential diagnoses listed here are not exhaustive.

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Treatmenttoggle arrow icon

General principles [2][6][13]

Empiric antibiotic therapy for psoas abscess [2][6][14]

Abscess drainage

Image-guided percutaneous drainage (PCD)

  • Indications
    • Size of the abscess > 3.5 cm [2][12][13]
    • Abscess anatomically amenable to PCD
  • Procedure
    • Under image guidance, drain the abscess and place the drainage catheter in the abscess cavity to allow further drainage.
    • CT-guided drainage is preferred. [12]
    • Ultrasound-guided drainage may be attempted if experienced radiologists are available. [10]

Surgical drainage

Send abscess fluid for culture and tailor antibiotic therapy to the sensitivity reports.

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