
Pulmonary function testing

Last updated: August 27, 2024

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) measure lung volumes and other metrics of pulmonary function. They can be used to diagnose ventilatory disorders and differentiate between obstructive and restrictive lung diseases. The most common PFT is spirometry, which requires the patient to breathe forcefully through their mouth into an external device. This simple and cost-effective test measures both dynamic and static lung volume (with the exception of residual volume and total lung capacity) and airflow rates. Full-body plethysmography measures both residual volume and total lung capacity in a sealed chamber. Single-breath diffusing capacity helps determine if the alveolar membrane is thickened (e.g., in pulmonary fibrosis) or destroyed (e.g., in emphysema), and if the pulmonary vasculature is affected (e.g., in pulmonary hypertension).

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Indicationstoggle arrow icon

The most common indications and contraindications for pulmonary function testing are listed below.

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PFT interpretationtoggle arrow icon

General principles [2][3]

Correlate PFT results with a detailed history and findings from a comprehensive physical examination and additional diagnostic studies.

Normal lung volumes

Normal lung volumes depend on age, height, and sex. The values listed below are for a healthy young adult. [1][2][3]

Normal lung volumes [4]
Definition Normal range
Total lung capacity (TLC)

Volume of air in the lungs after maximal inhalation

6–6.5 L

Vital capacity (VC)

Difference in lung volume between maximal exhalation and maximal inhalation

4.5–5 L

Residual volume (RV)

Volume of air that remains in the lungs after maximal exhalation

1–1.5 L

Tidal volume (TV)

Volume of air that is inhaled and exhaled in a normal breath at rest

∼ 500 mL or 7 mL/kg

Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)

Maximum volume of air that can still be forcibly inhaled following the inhalation of a normal TV

3–3.5 L

Inspiratory capacity (IC)

Maximum volume of air that can be inhaled after the exhalation of a normal TV

3.5–4 L

Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)

Maximum volume of air that can still be forcibly exhaled after the exhalation of a normal TV

1.5 L

Expiratory capacity (EC)

Maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after the inspiration of a normal TV

2 L

Functional residual capacity (FRC)

Volume of air that remains in the lungs after the exhalation of a normal TV

2.5–3 L

Altered PFTs [2][3]


PFT findings in obstructive vs. restrictive lung diseases [2][5][6]
Obstructive lung disease Restrictive lung disease
Spirometric findings FEV1

< 80% of the predicted value or the LLN

Normal or ↓


(because ↓ in FEV1 > ↓ in FVC)

Normal or ↑ (because ↓ in FEV1 is proportional to ↓ in FVC)


< 80% of the predicted value or the LLN

Flow-volume loop

Air trapping: scalloping of the expiratory limb; seen in conditions such as emphysema and in patients who have undergone a pneumectomy

Narrow flow-volume loop

Plethysmograph findings RV

≥ 120% of the predicted value or the ULN

Normal or



Normal or

Airway resistance


Lung compliance


Normal (extrinsic causes) or ↓ (intrinsic causes)


Variable (e.g., ↓ in emphysema, ↑ or normal in bronchial asthma, normal in chronic bronchitis)

Variable (e.g., normal with extrinsic causes, ↓ with intrinsic causes)

Severity assessment [7][8]

For patients with obstructive or restrictive lung diseases, disease severity may be assessed using either:

  • Z-scores
  • Fixed values
    • Based on average values in healthy middle-aged men (e.g., FEV1 > 80% of predicted) [7]
    • May lead to inaccurate results [8]

The American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society recommend the use of z-scores to assess disease severity. However, despite their limitations, fixed values are still recommended by the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. [7][8]

Differential diagnoses [5]

Obstructive lung disease

Restrictive lung disease


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Spirometrytoggle arrow icon


Spirometry is the best initial test for the evaluation of pulmonary function; see “Indications” above.

Procedure [5]


Spirometry parameters [5][7][10]
Parameter Definition Reference value [5][7][10]
Peak expiratory flow (PEF)
  • The maximum airflow rate attained during forced expiration (in L/second)
  • ≥ 80% of the predicted average value or LLN

Vital capacity (VC)

  • The change in lung volume between maximum inspiration and maximum expiration; can be measured using:
    • Forced vital capacity (FVC): the maximum volume of air that can be forcefully expired after maximal inspiration (during forced respiratory maneuvers)
    • Inspiratory vital capacity (IVC): the maximum volume of air that can be inspired after maximal expiration (during slow respiratory maneuvers)
    • Expiratory vital capacity (EVC): the maximum volume of air that can be expired after maximal inspiration (during slow respiratory maneuvers)
  • Approximately 4.5–5 L
Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)
  • The maximum volume of air that can be expired (forced expiratory volume) in the first second of forced expiration after maximum inspiration

FEV1/FVC ratio

  • ≥ 0.7 or LLN
Forced expiratory flow rate at 75%, 50%, and 25% of vital capacity (FEF75%, FEF50%, FEF25%)
  • Average airflow rates observed during forced expiration when 75% (FEF25%), 50% (FEF50%), and 25% (FEF75%) of the vital capacity remains in the lungs.
  • ≥ 65% of the predicted average value or LLN [11]

IVC, EVC, and FVC values are similar in young healthy individuals. However, IVC > EVC > FVC in patients with obstructive lung disease. [12][13]


See “PFT findings in obstructive vs. restrictive lung diseases.”

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Specialized testing in obstructive lung diseasetoggle arrow icon

Specialized tests (i.e., bronchial challenge tests and/or bronchodilator responsiveness testing) may help distinguish bronchial asthma from other causes of obstructive lung disease.

Specialized tests in obstructive lung disease
Bronchial challenge test (methacholine challenge test) [14] Bronchodilator responsiveness testing (postbronchodilator test) [1][2][15]
  • Patients with suspected airway hyperresponsiveness
  • Patients with airway obstruction: to differentiate (partly) reversible obstruction from irreversible obstruction
  • PFTs are performed before and after the administration of increasing doses of methacholine.
  • Positive response (i.e., the obstruction has a reversible component): defined as an increase in FEV1 by ≥ 200 mL and ≥ 12% of the initial value [2][15][16]
    • Usually indicates asthma
    • May also be the result of a reversible component of airway obstruction in COPD [1]

Medications that reverse bronchospasm (e.g., epinephrine, atropine) should be kept at hand during the methacholine challenge test because the test may trigger a life-threatening asthma attack!

In an indirect bronchial challenge test, bronchoconstriction may be induced by exercise, hyperventilation, or mannitol. [17]

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Body plethysmographytoggle arrow icon

Plethysmography is the gold standard test for measuring lung volumes and, unlike spirometry, it can also measure TLC and RV.

Indications [18]

Measurements in plethysmography are independent of active patient participation.

Procedure [18]

  • Lung volumes are measured in a sealed chamber
  • The air pressure in the cabin is inversely proportional to the air pressure in the lungs.

Parameters [18]

Includes spirometry parameters, plus:

Nonmobilizable lung volumes can be measured.


See “PFT findings in obstructive vs. restrictive lung diseases.”

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Single-breath diffusing capacitytoggle arrow icon

Single-breath diffusing capacity measures the ability of the alveoli to transfer gases to the pulmonary capillaries.

Indications [4][19]

Procedure [19]

  • The patient inhales an inert gas (e.g., helium) and a low concentration of carbon monoxide (CO).
  • The patient then holds their breath for ∼ 10 seconds.
  • On exhalation, the concentration of CO in the breath is measured.

Parameters [19]

Results are highly dependent on hemoglobin concentration; reference values are therefore routinely adjusted.

  • Carbon monoxide transfer coefficient (KCO): the amount of CO per unit time per unit partial pressure that is transferred from the alveolus to the pulmonary capillary
  • Diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) : the product of KCO and total alveolar volume (VA)

Certain activities, body positions, and physiologic states (e.g., exercise, supine position, pregnancy, obesity) can increase pulmonary blood volume thereby increasing DLCO.


Interpretation of DLCO [2][4][20]
Obstructive lung disease (FEV1/FVC ratio) Restrictive lung disease (↓ TLC) Other (no obstruction or restriction)


Normal DLCO
  • Healthy individual
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Respiratory muscle function testingtoggle arrow icon

Indication [4][25]

Consider for restrictive lung disease to diagnose and monitor patients with respiratory muscle weakness.

Procedure [25]

Test of inspiratory (e.g., diaphragm, external intercostal muscles) and expiratory (e.g., abdominal muscles, internal intercostal muscles) muscle function

  • The patient inhales and exhales with as much force as possible against a closed mouthpiece or a pressure transducer in one nostril.
  • The pressure generated at the mouth or nostril is recorded.

Parameters [25]

  • Maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP)
    • Measure (in cmH2O) to evaluate inspiratory muscle function
    • Determined by having the patient inhale with as much force as possible against a closed mouthpiece
    • Values below -80 cmH2O in men and below -70 cmH2O in women rule out significant inspiratory muscle weakness.
  • Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure (SNIP)
    • Measure (in cmH2O) to evaluate inspiratory muscle function
    • Determined by having the patient inhale with as much force as possible against a pressure transducer in one nostril .
    • Values below -70 cmH2O in men and below -60 cmH2O in women rule out significant inspiratory muscle weakness.
  • Maximal expiratory pressure (MEP)
    • Measure (in cmH2O) to evaluate expiratory muscle function
    • Determined by having the patient exhale with as much force as possible against a closed mouthpiece
    • Values above 130 cmH2O in men and above 100 cmH2O in women rule out significant expiratory muscle weakness.

Interpretation [25]

Alterations may be seen in:

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