

Last updated: July 11, 2024

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Stridor is a harsh, high-pitched vibratory breath sound produced by upper airway obstruction during inspiration and/or expiration. It is a red flag for both respiratory failure and a difficult intubation. Patients with stridor should be assessed immediately for clinical features of airway obstruction and signs of impending respiratory failure. Immediate airway management is required in patients with signs of respiratory distress. Further evaluation and diagnostic testing are done only after intubation or the exclusion of a life-threatening airway obstruction. Stridor may be caused by infection, inflammation, or structural changes in the airway. Diagnosis is clinical, but studies (e.g., airway endoscopy and neck x-rays) may be obtained to determine the etiology. Definitive treatment is based on the underlying cause.

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Initial managementtoggle arrow icon

Stridor is a risk factor for a difficult airway.

Avoid unnecessary procedures that may increase agitation and worsen turbulent airflow (especially in children). [1]

Consider transporting the patient to the operating room for intubation if the patient is stable.

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Clinical evaluationtoggle arrow icon

A focused history and physical examination can narrow the differential diagnosis and facilitate the choice of diagnostic testing. [1][4]

Focused history

  • Onset: acute or chronic
  • Prior events
  • Exacerbating factors
    • Worse at night
    • Worse with eating
    • Worse in the supine position
    • Worse with crying or strenuous activity
  • Associated symptoms
    • Drooling
    • Barking cough
    • Muffled voice or cry
    • Weak voice or cry

Focused physical examination

Do not assume decreasing stridor is a reassuring sign. Respiratory failure due to decreased airflow may be imminent. [5]

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Diagnosistoggle arrow icon

Stridor is a clinical finding; the suspected etiology and the patient's clinical status guide the selection of diagnostic testing. [4][5]

Airway endoscopy

Direct visualization of the airway can provide a definitive diagnosis. Endoscopy may also be used for definitive management, e.g., removal of a foreign body or excision of an airway mass.

Imaging [1][4]

Imaging may be helpful to assess for anatomical abnormalities, foreign bodies, or infection (e.g., abscesses).

Ensure the airway is protected or an airway specialist is immediately available when obtaining imaging. Sedation and/or supine position may cause complete airway obstruction. [1]

Laboratory studies [1][6]

Routine testing is not recommended for stridor, but studies may confirm the etiology and guide management.

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Infectious causestoggle arrow icon

Infectious causes of stridor [5]
Etiology Cause Characteristic clinical features Diagnostics Management

Croup [6]

  • Onset: 12–48 hours
  • Appearance: well-appearing
  • Cough: barking
  • Voice: hoarse
  • Difficulty swallowing/drooling: absent
Epiglottitis [7]
Diphtheria [1][8]
Bacterial tracheitis [1][9]
Retropharyngeal abscess [7]
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Allergic or inflammatory causestoggle arrow icon

Allergic or inflammatory causes of stridor [5]
Etiology Characteristic clinical features Diagnostics Management
Spasmodic croup [10]
  • Barking cough
  • Hoarse voice
  • Nightly symptoms that resolve during the day

Angioedema [11]

Anaphylaxis [12]
Inhalation injury [13][14]
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Structural causestoggle arrow icon

Structural causes of stridor [5]
Etiology Characteristic clinical features Diagnostics Management
Foreign body aspiration [1][15]
Postextubation laryngeal edema [16][17]
Airway malacias [18]
Laryngotracheal stenosis [19][20]
Vocal cord paralysis [21][22]
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Mimicstoggle arrow icon

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Acute management checklist for stridortoggle arrow icon

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Dispositiontoggle arrow icon

Patient disposition varies based on the severity of symptoms and the etiology of the stridor. Consider admission for patients with: [1][5]

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