
Vaginal bleeding

Last updated: May 9, 2024

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Vaginal bleeding that is not attributable to expected menstrual bleeding can be a clinical feature of a number of genitourinary conditions that affect not only the vagina but also the uterus, ovarian tubes, ovaries, and urethra. There are various causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding, and workup is determined by the patient's age and pregnancy status. Pain is an important differentiating feature that can further narrow down the differential diagnosis of abnormal vaginal bleeding.

See also “The menstrual cycle and menstrual cycle abnormalities” and “Antepartum hemorrhage”.

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Painful vaginal bleedingtoggle arrow icon

Overview of differential diagnoses of painful vaginal bleeding [1]
Differential diagnosis Clinical features Diagnostic findings
Description of pain Other clinical features
Ectopic pregnancy
  • Lower unilateral abdominal pain and guarding
Spontaneous abortion
Benign neoplasms Adenomyosis
  • Ultrasound: may show asymmetric myometrial wall thickening and myometrial cysts
Uterine leiomyoma
Ovarian cyst rupture
  • Sudden onset of unilateral abdominal pain
  • Onset usually during physical activity (exercise, sexual intercourse)
Infection/inflammation Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Lower bilateral abdominal pain


(e.g., foreign body, sexual abuse)
  • Depends on the type and mechanism of trauma
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Painless vaginal bleedingtoggle arrow icon

Overview of differential diagnoses of painless vaginal bleeding [1]
Differential diagnosis Clinical features Diagnostic findings

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Endometrial hyperplasia

Endometrial polyp

Malignant neoplasms Cervical cancer
Endometrial cancer
Adverse effects
(resulting from, e.g., anticoagulants, oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices)

Anembryonic pregnancy [2]

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