
Herpes simplex encephalitis

Last updated: November 20, 2023

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is an inflammation of the brain parenchyma, typically in the medial temporal lobe, that is caused by either herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) or herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2). It is the most common cause of fatal sporadic encephalitis in the US. HSE has a bimodal distribution, commonly affecting patients younger than 20 years of age and older than 50 years of age. Patients with HSE typically present with a prodrome of headaches and fever, followed by sudden focal neurological deficits, altered mental status, and possible seizures. Characteristic clinical findings and brain imaging showing temporal lesions should raise suspicion for HSE. Lumbar puncture often reveals lymphocytic pleocytosis. The diagnosis is best confirmed with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing of cerebrospinal fluid. Because HSE has a rapidly progressive and potentially fatal course, treatment with acyclovir should begin as soon as the disease is suspected. The mortality rate is as high as 70% if left untreated, and relapse is possible but uncommon.

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Epidemiologytoggle arrow icon


Epidemiological data refers to the US, unless otherwise specified.

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Clinical featurestoggle arrow icon

Prodromal phase

Acute or subacute encephalopathy

HSE may resemble bacterial meningitis, but the combination of altered mental status, seizures, and focal neurological deficits is more common for HSE!


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Diagnosistoggle arrow icon

Approach [7][8]

Empiric treatment should be initiated while awaiting the definitive diagnosis, as the progression of HSE is very rapid. [7][10]

Laboratory studies [7][11]

Blood studies

CSF studies [7][8]

CSF analysis in herpes simplex encephalitis [7][10]
CSF parameters Findings
Cell count and differential
Opening pressure
  • Normal or ↑
  • Variable, normal to mild
  • Mild ↑
  • Normal (or similar to serum glucose)

Neuroimaging [7]

Always consider HSE when imaging suggests potential meningoencephalitis and temporal lobe involvement; bilateral temporal lobe abnormality is a pathognomic sign of HSE. [7]

Electroencephalography (EEG) [7]

  • Indication: all patients with suspected HSE
  • Findings
    • Abnormal in > 80% of patients [10]
    • Characteristic finding: periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges from the affected temporal lobe
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Pathologytoggle arrow icon

  • Macroscopic: typical temporal lobe distribution with visible necrosis
  • Microscopic
    • Hemorrhagic-necrotizing inflammation
    • Eosinophilic nuclear inclusions (Cowdry bodies)

References: [14]

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Differential diagnosestoggle arrow icon

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Treatmenttoggle arrow icon

Antimicrobial treatment for herpes simplex encephalitis [7][9][10]

All patients should be hospitalized and a neurology consult is highly recommended; intensive care must be readily available. [13]

Monitor for nephrotoxicity during treatment with acyclovir. Manage with adequate hydration and adjust dosages for renal function. [8][10]

Management of complications

Acute management checklist for herpes simplex encephalitis

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Prognosistoggle arrow icon

  • Fatal in up to 70% of cases if left untreated [2]
  • In patients receiving treatment, the mortality rate is still as high as 20–30%. [3]
  • Relapse may occur.
  • Residual deficits may remain in some cases (e.g., paresis, cognitive deficits, psychopathological symptoms)
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