

Last updated: October 19, 2023

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Leprosy (Hansen disease) is a chronic infectious disease caused by prolonged exposure to Mycobacterium leprae, an acid-fast, slow-growing, fastidious bacillus. Leprosy primarily occurs in tropical and/or developing countries and is rarely observed in the US. There are various forms whose descriptions differ among two different classification systems, but the three cardinal clinical manifestations of leprosy are hypopigmented skin lesions, nerve thickening, and peripheral nerve palsies. Long-standing cases of leprosy classically develop deformities as a result of contractures following motor nerve palsies and/or repeated injury due to sensory loss. Other chronic complications include uveitis, orchitis, and nasal septal perforation. Patients with leprosy may also present with acute lepra reactions that are characterized by painful skin lesions and neuritis. The diagnosis is usually confirmed with the help of a biopsy. Lepromin tests aid in the classification of various forms of leprosy. Treatment consists of prolonged MDT (multi-drug therapy) with dapsone and rifampin. Clofazimine is added to the therapeutic regimen in patients with multibacillary leprosy.

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Epidemiologytoggle arrow icon

  • Incidence: ∼ 150 new cases annually [1]
  • Prevalence: ∼ 0.2/10,000 worldwide [2]
  • Peak incidence: 10–15 and 30–65 years [3]
  • Sex: > [4]
  • Endemic to tropical regions: India, Brazil, Indonesia, Nepal, Myanmar, Nigeria

Epidemiological data refers to the US, unless otherwise specified.

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Etiologytoggle arrow icon

  • Pathogen: Mycobacterium leprae is an obligate, intracellular, acid-fast bacillus that cannot be cultured and thrives in cold temperatures. [5]
  • Route of transmission
    • Close contact with fomites, contaminated soil , infected individuals, and nine-banded armadillos (in rare cases)
    • Respiratory droplet transmission
      • Risk factors are close contact with infected individuals or contaminated soil.
      • Although transmission is rare, infected animals (e.g., armadillos, mangabey monkeys, sphagnum moss) pose a potential risk in the US.
    • Transmission usually requires prolonged exposure, and some individuals seem more predisposed than others.
  • Infectious type: lepromatous leprosy (see “Pathophysiology” below)
  • Reservoirs: infected humans; , nine-banded armadillos in the US
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Pathophysiologytoggle arrow icon

Pathophysiology of lepromatous and tuberculoid leprosy [6]
Lepromatous leprosy (LL) Tuberculoid leprosy (TT)

Leprosy is a slowly progressive, chronic infection with a spectrum of clinical manifestations depending on the degree of cell-mediated immunity.

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Clinical featurestoggle arrow icon

  • Incubation period: 3–5 years
  • The clinical manifestations vary depending on the type of leprosy (LL, TT, or several intermediate forms collectively known as borderline leprosy.
Clinical features of lepromatous and tuberculoid leprosy [8]
Lepromatous leprosy (LL) Tuberculoid leprosy (TT)
Cutaneous manifestations
Nerve involvement
  • Occurs late but is more extensive
  • Acral, distal, symmetrical anesthesia
  • Usually begins with stocking glove pattern that spreads proximally
Systemic manifestations
  • Not involved

The three cardinal clinical manifestations of leprosy are hypopigmented skin lesions, nerve thickening, and peripheral nerve palsies.

All peripheral nerves can become affected in leprosy, but the most commonly affected are the ulnar and the peroneal nerves.

Lepromatous leprosy manifests with Leonine facies. The Low cell-mediated immunity in this condition makes it more Lethal (more communicable).

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Diagnosistoggle arrow icon

Diagnostic characteristics of lepromatous and tuberculoid leprosy
Diagnostic test Test characteristics Lepromatous leprosy (LL) Tuberculoid leprosy (TT)
Skin scraping or slit-skin smear
  • Smears are positive for AFB at any location.
  • Smears are negative for AFB at all locations.
Punch biopsy
Lepromin test [12]
  • Negative
  • Positive

Diffuse hypergammaglobulinemia associated with lepromatous leprosy can cause false-positive VDRL, RF, and/or ANA tests and thus result in diagnostic confusion.

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Treatmenttoggle arrow icon

Definitive therapy [13]

Multidrug treatment of leprosy
Drugs Lepromatous leprosy (LL) Tuberculoid leprosy (TT)
Dapsone Yes Yes
Rifampin Yes Yes
Clofazimine Yes No

Supportive therapy [6]

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Complicationstoggle arrow icon

Leprosy reactions
Type of lepra reaction Type 1 (reversal reaction) [14] Type 2 (erythema nodosum leprosum, ENL) [15][16] Lucio phenomenon [17][18]
  • Possibly immune-complex deposition
  • Cutaneous vasculitis probably due to immune-complex reaction
Cutaneous lesions
  • Pre-existing lepromatous lesions become red, warm, swollen, and painful.
  • Multiple, red, painful, subcutaneous nodules (1–2 cm) appear symmetrically on the face, arms, and/or legs in crops.
  • Large, sharply marginated, ulcerative lesions that appear in crops over the lower limbs and may recur episodically
  • Common and severe
  • Common and severe
  • Not common
Systemic manifestations
  • Not common
  • Not common

Treatment of leprosy should not be stopped when leprosy reactions occur.

The presence of tender nerves in a patient with leprosy indicates a leprosy reaction.

We list the most important complications. The selection is not exhaustive.

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