
Postpartum complications

Last updated: July 22, 2024

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Postpartum complications include infectious, vascular, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, and behavioral conditions. Infectious complications include postpartum endometritis, puerperal sepsis, mastitis, and wound infections. Vascular complications include postpartum hemorrhage, venous thromboembolism, amniotic fluid embolism, and thrombophlebitis. Genitourinary complications include uterine injuries and dysfunction, bladder dysfunction, urinary tract infections, and vaginal or perineal trauma. Musculoskeletal complications include diastasis recti, pelvic or back pain, and nerve injuries. Behavioral complications include postpartum depression, psychosis, and sexual dysfunction. Early recognition and treatment are crucial for maternal recovery and well-being.

See also “Complications of normal labor and delivery” and “Abnormal labor and delivery.”

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Infectioustoggle arrow icon

Peripartum pelvic infections and sepsis [1][2]

Maternal peripartum infection [3][4]

Maternal peripartum infection is the most common cause of puerperal sepsis. [2]

Puerperal sepsis

Other signs of sepsis, e.g., altered mental status, may be present.






Postpartum endometritis [7][8]


Clinical features


Primarily clinical diagnosis; studies help guide management

Treatment [11]

Treat puerperal sepsis, if present.


  • Consult obstetrics.
  • Hospital admission is usually required. [7]


Other peripartum infections

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Vasculartoggle arrow icon


Thromboembolic complications

Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis [12][13][14]

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Genitourinarytoggle arrow icon



Postpartum urinary retention (PUR) [15][16]

Vaginal and perineal

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Musculoskeletaltoggle arrow icon

Diastasis recti

Pubic symphysis diastasis [18]

Other MSK complications

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Behavioraltoggle arrow icon

Postpartum sexual dysfunction


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