
Acute abdomen

Last updated: January 27, 2025

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Acute abdomen refers to severe abdominal pain lasting for hours to a few days. The underlying pathology may be intraabdominal, thoracic, or systemic and may require urgent surgical intervention. The initial approach to acute abdomen should be to assess for immediately life-threatening causes (e.g., ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, bowel perforation) by checking vital signs, performing a quick physical examination, and immediately conducting the appropriate focused diagnostic tests (e.g., abdominal ultrasound, abdominal x-ray). Once emergency causes have been ruled out, a thorough history and physical examination should be performed to narrow the differential diagnoses and guide further diagnostic workup and therapy. Causes of chronic abdominal pain are not addressed in this article.

See “Blunt abdominal trauma” and “Penetrating abdominal trauma” for details on traumatic causes of abdominal pain.

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Approach to managementtoggle arrow icon

Initial management [1]

Evaluate and stabilize critically ill patients concurrently.

Remember to consider gynecological causes such as PID and pregnancy-related conditions. [2]

Red flags for abdominal pain

The following red flags highlight conditions that can put patients at high risk for life-threatening causes of abdominal pain or misdiagnosis.

Abdominal pain accompanied by hemodynamic instability may indicate internal bleeding, perforated viscus, necrotic bowel, or sepsis.

Maintain a high index of suspicion in immunocompromised and older patients, as they may present without fever, leukocytosis, or localized abdominal tenderness despite having an underlying life-threatening disease. [3][5]

Immediately life-threatening diagnoses

Delays in treatment of serious intraabdominal causes of acute abdominal pain can result in bowel necrosis, sepsis, fistula formation, and death.

Disposition [6][7]

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Diagnosticstoggle arrow icon

The diagnostic workup should be guided by the pretest probability of the diagnoses under consideration. The following list includes some commonly used diagnostic tools that can help to diagnose or rule out possible etiologies in a patient with acute abdominal pain.

Laboratory studies

Strongly consider a urine pregnancy test in sexually active female patients of reproductive age, irrespective of current contraception use.

Patients with obvious signs of diffuse peritonitis or sepsis may require immediate surgical management without further diagnostic imaging.

Imaging [8][9][10][11][12][13][14]


  • The initial imaging modality should be guided by the working diagnosis, as based on the patient history, vital signs, and examination.
  • The following recommendations apply to nonpregnant adults.
  • In pregnant women with acute abdominal pain, ultrasound and/or MRI of the abdomen and/or pelvis without contrast are the preferred initial imaging modalities.

By suspected diagnosis [11]

Suspected diagnosis Recommended imaging modality
Acute coronary syndrome

Hemorrhagic shock [12]

Bowel perforation [8]

Small bowel obstruction [9]

Intraabdominal abscess

  • CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast
Acute diverticulitis [13]
Acute appendicitis [10]

Acute mesenteric ischemia [15]

  • CTA of the abdomen
Acute pancreatitis [16]

Nephrolithiasis [17]

Acute complicated pyelonephritis [12]
  • CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast

Suspected symptomatic AAA in a hemodynamically stable patient [20]

By location of the pain

Site of pain
Initial test of choice


RUQ pain [21]

RLQ pain [10]


LLQ pain [13]

  • CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast

LUQ pain [22]

  • CT abdomen with oral and IV contrast

Suprapubic pain [22]

Pelvic pain

Nonlocalized pain [8]

  • CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast
  • CT abdomen and pelvis without IV contrast
  • MRI abdomen and pelvis with/without IV contrast
  • Ultrasound abdomen and/or pelvis
  • Postoperative patients with acute abdomen: Consider fluoroscopy (enema and/or upper abdominal series).

Maintain a low threshold for obtaining diagnostic imaging in older patients, for whom abdominal pain is associated with higher morbidity and mortality as well as lower initial diagnostic accuracy. [23]

Consider diagnostic laparoscopy in hemodynamically stable patients in which the diagnosis is still unclear after complete physical examination and imaging. For patients with hemodynamic instability or severe abdominal distention, proceed to diagnostic laparotomy. [24]

In pregnant patients, regardless of the site of pain, ultrasound and MRI are the preferred initial imaging modalities.

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Cardiovascular causestoggle arrow icon

Cardiovascular causes of acute abdominal pain
Clinical features Diagnostic findings Acute management
Acute coronary syndrome [25][26]

Acute mesenteric ischemia

Ruptured AAA (or impending rupture) [31]

Aortic dissection [32][33][34]

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Gastrointestinal causestoggle arrow icon

Gastrointestinal causes of acute abdomen
Clinical features Diagnostic findings Acute management
GI tract perforation [8][35][36]

Mechanical bowel obstruction [8][9][37][38]

  • X-ray abdomen
    • Dilated bowel loops proximal to the obstruction
    • Rectal air shadow absent
    • Multiple air-fluid levels
  • CT abdomen with IV contrast
    • Similar findings as on x-ray
    • Transition point at site of obstruction

Acute appendicitis (including perforated appendicitis) [39][40][41][42]

Peptic ulcer disease [43][44][45]
Diverticulitis [46][47][48][49][50][51][52]
Gastroenteritis [53]

Neutropenic enterocolitis (typhlitis)

Epiploic appendagitis [59][60]

  • Lower abdominal pain
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Biliary and pancreatic causestoggle arrow icon

Biliary and pancreatic causes of acute abdomen
Clinical features Diagnostic findings Acute management

Acute pancreatitis [61][62][63]

Symptomatic cholelithiasis [64][65][66]

Choledocholithiasis [64][67]

Acute cholecystitis [64][65][70][71][72]

Acute cholangitis [64][65][74][75] [70][76][77]

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Genitourinary causestoggle arrow icon

Genitourinary causes of acute abdominal pain
Clinical features Diagnostic findings Acute management
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy [78]
Ovarian torsion [79][80]
Testicular torsion [81]
Acute pyelonephritis [12][82][83][84][85]
  • Urine dipstick and urinalysis: gross or microscopic hematuria
  • Urine microscopy: to detect crystals
  • Abdominopelvic CT: Nonenhanced CT scan is the gold standard.
  • Ultrasound: method of choice for patients in whom radiation exposure should be minimized (e.g., pregnant patients, children, recurrent stone formers)

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Acute urinary retention [7][86][87]

  • Commonly seen in older men
  • Painful inability to void
  • Suprapubic pain
  • Palpable distended bladder
  • Restlessness and/or acute distress

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Treatmenttoggle arrow icon

Definitive treatment of abdominal pain is cause-specific (e.g., see “Gastrointestinal causes of acute abdominal pain”). Consider the following general therapies on an individual basis:

Supportive care for acute abdominal pain

Empiric antibiotics for intraabdominal infections

Community-acquired infections [88][89][90]

Severity of infection Suggested single-agent empiric regimen [88]

Suggested combination empiric regimen [88]

Mild or moderate infection

Severe infection
high-risk patient

Metronidazole is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Healthcare-associated infections [70][88][89][90]

Healthcare-associated infections are more likely to be antibiotic-resistant. Consider institutional antibiograms when choosing an empiric regimen.

Patient and/or institutional risk factors
Suggested empiric regimens [88]
Low risk (< 20%) of infection with resistant organism
High risk (> 20%) of infection with resistant organism
High risk of MRSA

  • Combination empiric regimen (see above)
  • PLUS vancomycin

Obtain cultures, if necessary, before the administration of empirical IV antibiotics.

For patients with a beta-lactam or carbapenem allergy, consider vancomycin with aztreonam and metronidazole.


  • The definitive management of most causes of acute abdomen is surgical.
  • The choice of procedure and the urgency of surgery is determined by the underlying condition.
  • Patients with signs of diffuse peritonitis or sepsis require immediate surgical management, which should not be delayed by time-consuming diagnostic tests.
  • Examples of urgent consultations:
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Differential diagnosestoggle arrow icon

The differential diagnoses listed here are not exhaustive.

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Special patient groupstoggle arrow icon

Acute abdominal pain in adults ≥ 65 years

Overview [5][92][93]

  • Common etiologies of acute abdomen can manifest with atypical presentations.
  • Always consider the following etiologies in adults ≥ 65 years:
  • Older patients have an increased risk of morbidity and mortality, which can be related to:
    • Higher incidence of serious causes of acute abdomen in this age group [92][93]
    • Delayed presentation secondary to barriers to accessing healthcare [5]
    • Increased risk of misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis [5]
    • Comorbidities

Clinical features of acute abdominal pain in older adults

Examples of altered presentations of acute abdomen in adults ≥ 65 years [5][92][93]



Acute cholecystitis [5]

  • Fever, nausea, and vomiting are frequently absent. [5][93]
  • Higher risk of complications [5][93]


  • Fever may be absent. [93]
  • Higher risk of complications [92]

Small bowel obstruction

Large bowel obstruction

Peptic ulcer disease

  • Abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting may be absent. [5][93]
  • Abdominal rigidity is frequently absent with perforation. [93]
  • Up to half of patients present with complications (e.g, perforation). [93]
  • Higher risk of mortality [93]

It is essential to maintain a broad differential diagnosis when evaluating older adults with acute abdominal pain.

Older adults with life-threatening conditions (e.g., mesenteric ischemia, appendicitis, ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm) may present with a relatively unremarkable physical exam. [5]

Diagnostics [92][93]

Leukocytosis may be absent in older adults with acute cholecystitis, appendicitis, and diverticulitis. [92][93]

Asymptomatic bacteriuria is often found in older adults, but should not be considered a cause of acute abdominal pain. [92]

Treatment [92][93]

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