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Psychosis is an impaired perception of reality. It may be caused by a psychiatric disorder (primary psychosis) or it may be the result of substance use, an underlying medical condition, or a mood disorder (secondary psychosis). Acute psychosis is a psychiatric emergency. The management of acute psychosis includes ensuring patient and staff safety, reducing patient agitation, ruling out a medical cause for the thought disturbance, and facilitating the appropriate disposition. Patient agitation may need to be managed before an assessment can be completed; nonpharmacological methods should be attempted first, but rapid escalation to pharmacotherapy may be necessary. Diagnostic testing is guided by the patient's history and clinical presentation. The use of broad, nondirected panels of tests is discouraged. Treatment depends on the underlying cause, but most patients require admission and psychiatry consultation.
Psychosis: an impaired perception of reality evidenced by one or more of the following thought disturbances [2][3]
- Hallucinations
- Delusions
- Disorganized thinking (including speech) or behavior
- Primary psychosis: psychosis resulting primarily from a psychiatric disorder, e.g., schizophrenia [4]
- Secondary psychosis: psychosis resulting primarily from a general medical condition and/or the effect of a substance [5]
- Psychotic disorder: a disease or condition that produces psychosis
Causes of primary psychosis
Schizophrenia spectrum disorders
The DSM-5-TR also considers schizotypal personality disorder to be a schizophrenia spectrum disorder (see the section on “Personality disorders” for details). [2]
Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders [2] | ||||
Duration of symptoms | Clinical features | Social and occupational functioning | ||
Schizophrenia |
| |
Schizophreniform disorder |
| ||
Brief psychotic disorder |
| |
Schizoaffective disorder |
| |
Delusional disorder |
| |
Other psychotic disorder: delusional symptoms in the context of a relationship with an individual with prominent delusions |
Mood disorders and anxiety disorders
Mood disorder with psychotic features
Duration of symptoms
- Major depressive episode for at least 2 weeks
- Manic episode lasting ≥ 1 week
- Clinical features
- Mood symptoms with or without psychotic symptoms
- Psychotic symptoms appear exclusively during manic or depressive episodes.
- Social and occupational functioning: Impaired
Duration of symptoms
- Anxiety disorders with psychotic features: e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder [8]
Mood-congruent delusions are usually seen in severe depression/mania (e.g., delusion of worthlessness in depression, grandiose delusions in mania), whereas schizoaffective disorder manifests with delusions that are not congruent with the mood.
Personality disorders [9]
Schizotypal personality disorder
- Odd and eccentric behavior
- Magical thinking
- Discomfort in close relationships
- Short psychotic episodes may occur with less frequency and severity than in schizophrenia.
Others: Psychotic features can occur in patients with the following personality disorders but are not characteristic.
Schizoid personality disorder
- Disinterest in social relationships
- Restricted emotional expression and anhedonia
Paranoid personality disorder
- Distrustful of others
- Superficial relationships
Schizoid personality disorder
Causes of secondary psychosis [5]
Psychotic disorder due to another medical condition
To make this diagnosis, a causal link must be established between psychosis and the underlying condition, and the psychotic symptoms must not occur solely during delirium. The following medical conditions can cause psychosis:
- Multifactorial disorders: : e.g., delirium
- Autoimmune disorders: , e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus, anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
- Endocrine disorders: , e.g., hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis, hypercortisolism, Wilson disease
- Metabolic disorders: , e.g., porphyria, vitamin B12 deficiency
- Neurological illness: , e.g., dementia, traumatic brain injury, neoplasm (brain tumors), encephalitis, seizure disorders (e.g., temporal lobe epilepsy)
Substance-induced psychotic disorder
To make this diagnosis, psychosis should be identified as a direct consequence of substance use or withdrawal. The following substances can induce psychosis:
Recreational substances with psychoactive effects
- Alcohol
- Hallucinogens (e.g., phencyclidine)
- Amphetamines
- Cocaine
- Cannabis
Medications with adverse psychoactive effects
- Analgesics (e.g., opioids)
- Sedatives or hypnotics
- Muscle relaxants (e.g., cyclobenzaprine)
- Antihistamines (e.g., diphenhydramine)
- Antidepressants (e.g., SSRIs)
- Cardiovascular medications (e.g., clonidine)
- Antihypertensive medications (e.g., methyldopa)
- Anticonvulsants (e.g., levetiracetam)
- Antiparkinson medications (e.g., dopaminergics)
- Chemotherapy agents (e.g., bleomycin)
- Corticosteroids
Treatment typically includes pharmacotherapy for acute psychosis, abstinence from the triggering substance, and treatment of related substance use disorders. [10]
Patients with substance-induced psychosis are more likely to develop primary psychosis over their lifetime. [10]
Clinical features
Psychosis is evidenced by hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thought (including speech), and/or disorganized behavior.
- Hallucinations: perceptual abnormalities in which sensory experiences occur in the absence of external stimuli
- Illusions: a perceptual abnormality in which real external stimuli are misinterpreted
- Auditory (most common)
- Visual
- Somatic (tactile)
- Gustatory
- Olfactory
- Definition: fixed, false beliefs that are maintained despite being contradicted by reality or rational arguments and that are not related to one's religious beliefs or culture
- Bizarre delusions: delusions that cannot be true or are inconsistent with the patient's social and cultural norms (e.g., a patient insisting that they can fly)
- Nonbizarre delusions: delusions that can be true or are consistent with the patient's social and cultural norms (e.g., a patient insisting that they have won the lottery when this is not the case)
- Grandiosity: The patient insists that they have special powers or importance.
- Persecutory: The patient insists that they are being cheated, conspired against, harassed, or harmed in any way. Paranoia is a term often used informally to describe the feelings associated with these delusions, such as the belief of being followed or targeted.
- Erotomania: The patient believes that other individuals are in love with them.
- Jealousy: The patient believes their partner is unfaithful without justification.
- Somatic delusion: The patient believes they are experiencing a bodily function or sensation when there is none present.
- Mixed delusions: two or more delusions occurring simultaneously; no delusion is predominant over the other
- Unspecified delusions: a delusion that does not fit the criteria of other types or that cannot be clearly defined, such as ideas of reference, where the patient believes that normal events are of special importance to them (e.g., an individual might feel that a television reporter is talking about them)
Disorganized thought and disorganized speech processes
Disorganized thought refers to a disturbance in the logical connection between thoughts or the flow of thoughts. Disorganized speech is a collection of speech abnormalities that lead to incoherent speech.
- Loose associations: incoherent thinking expressed as illogical, sudden, and frequent changes of topic
- Word salad: incoherent thinking expressed as a sequence of words without a logical connection
- Tangential speech: nonlinear thought expressed as a gradual deviation from a focused idea or question
- Neologisms: the creation of new words with idiosyncratic meanings
- Echolalia: involuntary repetition of another's words or sentences
- Flight of ideas: quick succession of thoughts usually demonstrated in a continuous flow of rapid speech and abrupt changes in topic
- Clang association: use of words based on rhyme patterns rather than meaning
- Circumstantial speech: nonlinear thought expressed as a long-winded manner of explanation, with multiple deviations from the central topic, before finally expressing the central idea
- Thought-blocking: an objective observation of an abrupt ending in a thought process, expressed as a sudden interruption in speech
- Pressured speech: accelerated thoughts that are expressed as rapid, loud, and voluminous speech, often in the absence of social stimulation
Associated clinical features
These features depend on the underlying etiology and may appear as a prodrome, concurrently with psychosis, or after psychosis has resolved.
- Primary psychotic disorders: e.g., negative symptoms of schizophrenia, catatonia, cognitive impairment
- Other psychiatric conditions: E.g., see “Mood disorders,” “Anxiety disorders,” and “Substance use disorders.”
- Underlying medical conditions: e.g., focal neurological deficits
Schizophrenia typically manifests with a prodrome of negative symptoms and psychosis (e.g., social withdrawal) that precedes the positive psychotic symptoms (e.g., hallucinations and bizarre delusions).
Management approach
A medical assessment is performed in all patients with acute psychosis to differentiate between primary and secondary psychosis and to identify comorbidities that may require medical treatment. [11][12]
Initial management [4]
Stabilization: Manage acute agitation if present (see “Approach to the agitated or violent patient” for details).
- Begin with deescalation techniques.
- Consider prescribing calming medications.
- Identify and treat critical causes of agitation.
Clinical evaluation
- Include the following as part of a thorough medical history from the patient (or collateral history from friends/family members/care providers) :
- Previous diagnosis of psychosis
- Prodromal symptoms (e.g., depression, thought disturbance)
- Time course of symptom onset (e.g., abrupt onset)
- History of head trauma or new neurological symptoms (e.g., headache)
- Medication and drug history
- Other medical history (e.g., thyroid disease, autoimmune disease, porphyria, Cushing syndrome)
- Recent life stressors
- Family history of neurological or psychiatric disorders
- Include the following in the physical examination: [11][12][13]
- Include the following as part of a thorough medical history from the patient (or collateral history from friends/family members/care providers) :
Diagnostics [14]
- Differentiate primary vs. secondary psychosis through clinical evaluation.
- Perform workup of secondary psychosis as guided by history and physical examination.
- Treat any underlying medical conditions, substance intoxication, or withdrawal.
- Consult psychiatry for further management of primary psychosis. [15]
If there is a language or cultural barrier, use a trained interpreter with an awareness of the patient's cultural beliefs. [4]
The medical evaluation should indicate whether the patient is medically stable, include recommendations for further medical care if needed, and address whether treatment in a psychiatric facility is medically appropriate. Use of the term “medical clearance” is discouraged. [16][17]
Disposition [18]
- Hospitalize any patient with psychosis who is a danger to themselves or others: See “Decision-making capacity and legal competence” and “Involuntary commitment.”
- Consult psychiatry for all patients being considered for outpatient treatment.
- Treatment in an outpatient psychiatric facility may be appropriate if:
- The patient is not a danger to themselves or others.
- The patient is able to attend the outpatient facility regularly.
- A receiving facility has been identified and agrees to accept the patient.
Indications for diagnostic testing [12]
- First episode of psychosis
- Suspected secondary psychosis [11][12]
- Admission to a psychiatric facility that cannot perform diagnostic testing
- Testing as a courtesy for a receiving psychiatric facility with limited resources may be performed but should not delay the patient transfer. [11]
Agitated patients may require treatment with an antipsychotic or benzodiazepine to facilitate a diagnostic workup.
A thorough history, physical examination (including vital signs), and cognitive assessment are required for the medical evaluation of patients with psychosis. Further diagnostic studies are not routinely required but may be warranted if secondary psychosis is suspected. [11][16]
Differentiating primary from secondary psychosis
Clinical indicators for primary and secondary psychosis [5][11][12] | ||
Indicator | Features of primary psychosis | Features of secondary psychosis |
Age |
Speed of onset |
Physical examination |
Mental status examination |
Hallucinations |
Drugs |
Primary psychosis due to schizophrenia is often accompanied by negative symptoms (e.g., diminished emotional expression) and/or abnormal motor behavior (e.g., catatonia). [3]
Diagnostic studies for secondary psychosis [4][19][20]
Laboratory studies
- Initial tests: CBC, BMP, liver chemistries, thyroid function tests
- Consider:
Imaging [19]
- Modality: MRI head (preferred) or CT head
- Indications
- Focal neurological signs or symptoms
- New seizure activity
- Altered level of consciousness
- Symptoms of intracranial pathology
- Evidence of head trauma
- Symptoms suggestive of autoimmune encephalitis [19]
Other studies
- EEG: Consider in patients with abnormal neurological examination findings or a history of seizures.
- For a comprehensive evaluation of new neurocognitive symptoms, see “Symptom-based diagnostic workup for delirium.”
Management of agitation
For more detailed information, see “Management of the agitated or violent patient.”
- Urgently identify and treat critical causes of agitation.
- Attempt nonpharmacological deescalation techniques if appropriate.
- Ensure patient and staff safety; identify signs of potential for violence.
- Prescribe calming medications if indicated (e.g., the patient's behavior poses a danger to themself and/or others). [15]
- Consider physical restraints if violent behavior is refractory to deescalation techniques and calming medications.
- Continue assessment and treatment of the psychosis once agitation has resolved.
Only use physical restraints if all alternatives for managing agitation have failed!
Monitoring for adverse reactions to antipsychotics
Extrapyramidal symptoms
- Extrapyramidal symptoms, particularly acute dystonia, may accompany the acute administration of antipsychotics. [15]
- Second-generation antipsychotics have a lower risk for extrapyramidal symptoms than first-generation antipsychotics. [23]
- To reduce the incidence of extrapyramidal symptoms, consider coadministration of an anticholinergic (e.g., benztropine) or an antihistamine (e.g., diphenhydramine) with the antipsychotic medication. [15]
- See “Extrapyramidal symptoms” for more information on treatment, including dosages.
Cardiac arrhythmias [24][25][26]
- Antipsychotics have the potential to increase the QT interval.
- Patients with long QT syndrome, particularly those with a QTc interval > 500 ms, are at risk for dysrhythmias, e.g., torsades de pointes. [25][26][27]
- If a patient has an increased baseline QTc interval , choose an antipsychotic with a lower risk of QT prolongation. [26]
- Repeat an ECG after the drug level reaches a steady state; if the QTc interval is now > 450 ms in men or > 460 ms in women, or has increased by > 60 ms, consider an alternative pharmacological agent. [26][28]
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: a rare but life-threatening complication of antipsychotics [29]
Use antipsychotics with caution in patients with prolonged QT intervals.
Definitive treatment
Primary psychosis
- Refer to psychiatry for:
- Initiation of psychological and long-term pharmacotherapy of the psychiatric disorder
- Differentiation between schizophrenia spectrum disorders with mood symptoms and primary mood disorders with psychotic features
- See also “Schizophrenia," “Major depressive disorder,” “Bipolar disorder,” and “Anxiety disorders.”
- Refer to psychiatry for:
Secondary psychosis
- Treatment depends on the underlying cause (see “Causes of secondary psychosis”).
- Patients frequently require inpatient management until their mental status returns to baseline.
- See also “Delirium” and “Substance use disorders.”
Acute management checklist for psychosis
- Rule out life-threatening causes of an acutely altered mental state (see “Critical causes of AMS”).
- Treat agitation as required to ensure patient and staff safety and facilitate patient assessment.
- Obtain a full history and physical examination.
- If secondary psychosis is suspected, perform diagnostic studies.
- Refer to psychiatry if primary psychosis is suspected.
- Treat underlying conditions if secondary psychosis is suspected.
Special patient groups
Postpartum psychosis [30][31][32]
- An umbrella term encompassing various forms of psychosis that develop after childbirth [33]
- Occurs in 1–2 per 1000 births [31]
Risk factors include:
- Personal or family history of mental health disorders (most significant)
- Personal or family history of bipolar disorder
- Previous episode of postpartum psychosis
- Primiparity
- Sleep deprivation
- Personal or family history of mental health disorders (most significant)
Clinical features [31]
- Typically develops within 2 weeks postpartum but may occur up to or even after 4 weeks postpartum [30]
- A prodrome of irritability, insomnia, confusion, or mood changes can occur. [33][34]
- Onset of psychosis is typically acute. [33][34]
- Symptoms fluctuate over time and typically include the following: [31]
- Psychotic features
- Mood symptoms (mania and/or depression)
- Cognitive symptoms similar to delirium
Diagnosis of postpartum psychosis [31]
- Postpartum psychosis is a symptom and not a diagnosis. [33][35]
- Initial evaluation usually includes diagnostic studies for secondary psychosis. [31][34]
- Laboratory studies are recommended for all patients.
- Additional studies (imaging, CSF analysis) may be required depending on clinical presentation.
- Assessment for the underlying disorder is performed by psychiatry; diagnoses include:
Diagnostics for postpartum psychosis should occur after initial stabilization, once the safety of the patient and infant is established. [31]
Intrusive thoughts that are distressing to the patient are not the same as delusions and are not characteristic of postpartum psychosis. They may suggest postpartum depression, anxiety, or OCD. [31]
Management of postpartum psychosis [30][32][34]
Initial management
- Perform a focused initial evaluation. [32]
- Provide treatment of acute psychosis if needed.
- Make a same-day referral to psychiatry or the emergency department for comprehensive evaluation and risk assessment.
- Provide continuous observation of the patient until evaluation and assessment can occur.
Treatment [34]
- Admit to an inpatient psychiatric unit to prevent harm to patient and baby. [32]
- Pharmacotherapy includes: [30]
- Antipsychotics (e.g., olanzapine or haloperidol) and benzodiazepines (e.g., lorazepam) for acute symptom management
- Lithium for long-term management
- ECT may be used for severe and/or refractory postpartum psychosis, or per patient preference. [33][36]
- Nonpharmacological strategies (e.g., sleep optimization, psychosocial support) may be used in conjunction with other management.
Postpartum psychosis is a psychiatric emergency; continuous observation of the patient is necessary until evaluation and, typically, hospitalization can occur. [30]
Differential diagnoses [36]
- Delirium
- Causes of secondary psychosis (e.g., postpartum thyroiditis) [32]
- Refer patients with risk factors who are planning pregnancy or currently pregnant to psychiatry. [32]
- Prevention strategies include: [30][31]
- Sleep preservation
- Initiation of lithium immediately after delivery (for highest risk patients)