Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) plays an essential role in enzymatic reactions responsible for red blood cell (RBC) formation and myelination of the nervous system. Vitamin B12 deficiency is caused by insufficient dietary intake, malabsorption, or increased demand and can result in megaloblastic anemia and various neurological disturbances. Patients typically present with signs of anemia (e.g., fatigue) and/or neurological manifestations (e.g., paresthesia, ataxia, and neuropsychiatric disorders). Pernicious anemia is the most common type of vitamin B12 deficiency and is caused by autoimmune gastritis (AIG). Vitamin B12 deficiency in AIG is due to mucosal atrophy, achlorhydria, and loss of intrinsic factor, which is crucial for vitamin B12 absorption. Laboratory studies often show macrocytic anemia, with or without pancytopenia, and circulating megaloblasts. Serum vitamin B12 level may support the diagnosis but has low sensitivity and specificity. If levels are normal, diagnosis is confirmed based on elevated methylmalonic acid (MMA) and/or homocysteine levels. Additional studies (e.g., autoantibodies for pernicious anemia, EGD with biopsy) may be required to establish the underlying cause. Treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency consists of oral or parenteral supplementation. Depending on the underlying cause, long-term vitamin B12 replacement may be needed.
Insufficient dietary intake [1]
- Vegan diet: Vitamin B12 deficiency typically only develops after years of strictly avoiding all animal products (unlike folate deficiency, which occurs within a few months of insufficient intake).
- Malnutrition
- Chronic heavy alcohol use [2]
- Gastric: ↓ intrinsic factor and achlorhydria [3]
- Atrophic gastritis: autoimmune; , resulting in pernicious anemia (most common type of vitamin B12 deficiency; ), or nonautoimmune, e.g., Helicobacter pylori infection [1][4]
- Gastrectomy (partial or total), gastric bypass, bariatric surgery
- Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
- H2 receptor blockers [1][2]
- Pancreas: chronic pancreatitis
Jejunum: ↑ vitamin B12 demand [1]
- Bacterial overgrowth; or parasites, including fish tapeworm (Dibothriocephalus latus)
Terminal ileum: ↓ uptake of intrinsic factor-vitamin B12 complex [3]
- Inflammation; : celiac disease; , tropical sprue, Crohn disease [4]
- Ileal resection and/or reconstructive surgery [1]
- Gastric: ↓ intrinsic factor and achlorhydria [3]
Other [3]
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding due to increased vitamin B12 demand [2][4]
- Inherited disorders of vitamin B12 absorption (e.g., transcobalamin deficiency) or inherited metabolic disorders [4]
- Drug-induced deficiency, e.g., due to metformin, nitrous oxide misuse, PPIs
Malabsorption, autoimmune gastritis (pernicious anemia), gastrectomy, gastric bypass, nitric oxide misuse, and inherited disorders can cause severe vitamin B12 deficiency. [3]
For information on sources, absorption, transport, and storage of vitamin B12, see “Vitamins.”
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble cofactor for enzymes involved in DNA synthesis (i.e., methionine synthase) and odd-chain fatty acid metabolism (i.e., methylmalonyl-CoA mutase), and deficiency leads to enzymatic dysfunction. Enzymatic dysfunction has the following consequences: [1]
Methionine synthase demethylates 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, producing tetrahydrofolic acid, a cofactor in purine synthesis, and also converts homocysteine to methionine
↓ Tetrahydrofolic acid → ↓ DNA synthesis → impaired hematopoiesis
- Large, nucleated hematopoietic cells, including megaloblasts, are produced, which undergo apoptosis or are phagocytosed by macrophages
- Pancytopenia (including megaloblastic anemia)
- ↓ Methionine → neuropathy [2][5]
- ↑ Homocysteine → endothelial damage (increases risk for cardiovascular disease)
- Can cause secondary folate deficiency
↓ Tetrahydrofolic acid → ↓ DNA synthesis → impaired hematopoiesis
Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (converts methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl CoA)
- Accumulation of methylmalonyl-CoA and its precursor propionyl-CoA, as well as their associated odd-chain fatty acids, which cannot be completely metabolized
- Propionyl CoA replaces acetyl CoA in neuronal membranes → demyelination → neurological manifestations
Folate deficiency also leads to low levels of tetrahydrofolic acid, causing megaloblastic anemia.
Pernicious anemia
The pathophysiology of AIG has not been clearly defined but is associated with: [2][6][7]
- Antiparietal cell antibodies; : target gastric parietal cells; → ↓ acid production and atrophic gastritis and ↓ intrinsic factor production → ↓ vitamin B12 absorption in terminal ileum [2][7]
- Autoreactive T cells target gastric proton pump (H+/K+ ATPase) and are likely the main mediators of inflammation in AIG. [7]
- Anti-intrinsic factor antibodies bind intrinsic factor, blocking the vitamin B12 binding site and most vitamin B12 absorption; a small amount of passive diffusion occurs throughout the intestinal tract. [2][7]
- See also “Pathophysiology” in “Atrophic gastritis.”
AIG causes chronic destruction of gastric parietal cells, leading to mucosal atrophy, achlorhydria, and loss of intrinsic factor. Vitamin B12 deficiency is a late manifestation of AIG, termed pernicious anemia.
AIG is associated with other autoimmune diseases (e.g., hypothyroidism, vitiligo) and an increased risk of gastric cancer.
Clinical features
- Signs of anemia (e.g., fatigue, pallor) [8]
- Mild scleral icterus and/or jaundice
Neurological disturbances are generally symmetrical
- Peripheral neuropathy: tingling, numbness, pins-and-needles sensation, coldness (especially in the lower extremities)
Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord: symmetrical demyelination of the spinal cord tracts occurs in vitamin B12 deficiency due to insufficient vitamin B12-dependent fatty acid synthesis and production/maintenance of myelin
It manifests with the following symptoms:
- Paresthesia, impaired proprioception, loss of vibratory sensation, tactile sensation, and position discrimination due to demyelination of the dorsal columns
- Spastic paresis due to demyelination of the lateral corticospinal tracts (axons of upper motor neurons)
- Gait abnormalities (spinal ataxia) resulting from the damage of spinocerebellar tracts and dorsal columns
- Long-term deficiency can lead to irreversible neurological damage.
It manifests with the following symptoms:
- Neuropsychiatric disease; (e.g., reversible dementia, depression, paranoia) [8]
- Worsening vision
- Autonomic dysfunction: impotence and incontinence
- Glossitis
The Spinocerebellar tracts, lateral Corticospinal tracts, and Dorsal columns are affected in Subacute Combined Degeneration.
Always consider vitamin B12 deficiency when evaluating patients with dementia.
Approach [3]
Consider vitamin B12 deficiency in patients with risk factors, clinical features, and/or supportive laboratory findings (e.g., macrocytic anemia).
- Obtain initial studies and vitamin B12 levels.
- Consider additional confirmatory studies (e.g., in patients with normal vitamin B12 levels).
- Obtain additional studies if the cause is not immediately evident (e.g., low vitamin B12 intake or malabsorption).
Consider screening for vitamin B12 deficiency in individuals taking metformin or with a vegan diet. [4]
Do not wait for diagnostic confirmation to initiate treatment if there is a strong clinical suspicion for vitamin B12 deficiency. [4]
Initial workup [2]
- Macrocytic anemia: ↓ Hb, ↑ MCV, ↑ MCH, ↓ reticulocyte index [7]
- Pancytopenia may occur. [3]
- Blood smear: : oval macrocytes, circulating megaloblasts, > 5% hypersegmented neutrophils
- Folate level: Folate deficiency causes a similar hematologic presentation to vitamin B12 deficiency. [4][7]
- Hemolysis markers: Bilirubin and LDH levels may be elevated. [3]
- Patients with peripheral neuropathy: See “Diagnostics for polyneuropathy.” [2]
Diagnostic confirmation [2][4]
Diagnosis is confirmed based on circulating vitamin B12 and elevated MMA and/or homocysteine levels. There is a lack of consensus on cutoff values and many laboratories use a combination of biomarkers for diagnosis.
- Serum vitamin B12 level (first-line test) : deficiency confirmed if levels are low [2][3][4]
Serum MMA and/or homocysteine levels
- Indication: normal serum vitamin B12 levels (serum MMA and homocysteine testing have higher sensitivity than serum vitamin B12 testing)
Findings: Elevation confirms the diagnosis.
- MMA is elevated in vitamin B12 deficiency and normal in folate deficiency. [2][3][4]
- Homocysteine is elevated in both vitamin B12 and folate deficiency. [3][4]
Schilling test
- A test historically used to assess vitamin B12 uptake and determine the cause of deficiency. [9]
- This test is now obsolete but the principles are useful for understanding the causes of vitamin B12 deficiency.
- Consists of four stages that assess impaired vitamin B12 uptake
- Patients ingest radiolabeled vitamin B12 and urinary excretion is measured.
- Urinary excretion of 8–40% (varies between laboratories) of radioactive vitamin B12 within 24 hours is considered normal. [10]
Stages of Schilling test | ||
Description | Radiolabeled vitamin B12 levels in urine | |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Stage 4 |
Additional studies [3]
Consider the following additional studies based on clinical suspicion of malabsorption as the cause of vitamin B12 deficiency. [2]
Autoantibodies for pernicious anemia (against intrinsic factor or parietal cells ) [2]
- Presence of serum autoantibodies supports the diagnosis.
- Consider testing even if vitamin B12 deficiency is not confirmed if there is strong clinical suspicion. [2]
EGD with biopsy [6][7]
- Recommended in patients with autoantibodies indicating pernicious anemia
- Consider if the cause is unclear, e.g., in patients without autoantibodies if there is strong clinical suspicion.
- See also “Diagnosis of atrophic gastritis.”
- Testing for malabsorption: See “Diagnosis of malabsorption.” [2]
Autoantibodies may not be present in all patients with pernicious anemia.
Differential diagnoses
Differential diagnoses of vitamin B12 deficiency
Differential diagnosis of vitamin B12, B9, and B1 deficiencies | |||||||
Vitamin B12 deficiency | Vitamin B9 deficiency | Vitamin B1 deficiency | |||||
Syndrome | |||||||
Causes |
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Motor signs |
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Sensory signs |
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Other neurological features |
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Neuropsychiatric signs |
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Diagnostics |
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Management |
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Prognosis |
Starting folate treatment before excluding vitamin B12 deficiency may correct anemia, but it can worsen neuropathy!
In contrast to vitamin B12 deficiency, folate deficiency is generally not associated with neurological symptoms.
Other causes of macrocytic anemia
Myelodysplastic syndrome
- CBC may show macrocytic (but not megaloblastic) anemia
- Most patients have other concurrent hematological alterations (e.g., neutropenia, thrombocytopenia).
Other causes of neuropathy
- Multiple sclerosis
- Friedreich ataxia
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
- Infectious diseases (e.g., syphilis/tabes dorsalis, HIV myelopathy, herpes virus myelitis)
- Other deficiencies (e.g., copper deficiency, vitamin E deficiency)
- Neoplasms (e.g., astrocytoma, ependymoma)
The differential diagnoses listed here are not exhaustive.
Vitamin B12 replacement [3]
Do not wait for diagnostic confirmation to initiate treatment in patients with severe neurological deficits, if there is a strong clinical suspicion of vitamin B12 deficiency, and/or in pregnant individuals. [2]
Cyanocobalamin IM (off-label) [2][4]
- Preferred route for patients with any of the following: [1][3][11]
- Neurological deficit
- Severely low cell counts on CBC
- Very low serum vitamin B12 levels
- Patients sometimes develop itch, flu-like symptoms, and/or anaphylaxis.
- Preferred route for patients with any of the following: [1][3][11]
Cyanocobalamin PO
- High dose (off-label) [2]
- Effective alternative to IM route even in patients with pernicious anemia [1][3]
- Suitable for patients with good therapy adherence [1]
- Low dose (off-label) : for subclinical deficiency or preemptively for individuals with a low-vitamin B12 diet (e.g., vegan diet) [2]
- High dose (off-label) [2]
- Sublingual or nasal routes: not recommended [12]
Follow-up [2][3]
Response to therapy [2]
- Monitor clinical response. [2]
- Repeat CBC. [2]
Duration of vitamin B12 replacement therapy [3]
- Reversible causes: Treat the underlying cause and stop replacement once clinical features stabilize or resolve.
- Irreversible causes (e.g., in pernicious anemia): Continue indefinitely and counsel the patient on the importance of ongoing vitamin B12 replacement therapy. [12]
Consider alternative diagnoses if there is an insufficient response to treatment. [2]
Additional management [1][12]
- Management of the underlying condition: See “SIBO,” “Pancreatic insufficiency,” and “Crohn disease.”
Supportive care, e.g.:
- Avoidance of PPIs in patients with pernicious anemia [7]
- Neurological rehabilitation: See “Treatment of polyneuropathy.”
- RBC transfusion for anemia-related cardiac symptoms, e.g., angina pectoris, dyspnea [1][12]
In combined vitamin B12 and folate deficiency, folate supplementation without vitamin B12 replacement may exacerbate neurological symptoms, likely due to ongoing damage from untreated vitamin B12 deficiency. [2][7]