
Diseases of the retina

Last updated: July 25, 2024

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The retina, which contains the first three neurons of the visual pathway, mediates the conversion of light stimuli into nerve impulses. Diseases of the retina may lead to visual impairment, visual field loss, and more complex disorders such as metamorphopsia (distorted vision) and clouding. Ophthalmoscopy is the preferred diagnostic method for identifying retinal diseases, but depending on the suspected disorder, other methods such as fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography (OCT) may be appropriate.

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Color perception disorderstoggle arrow icon

Color blindness (dyschromatopsia) [1]

  • Description: altered color perception
  • Etiology: congenital or acquired (e.g., optic neuropathy due to ethambutol)
    • Congenital; color perception disorders (especially red-green color vision deficiency; ) are very common and occur mostly in men.
    • Affected individuals are generally unaware of their own color-perception disorders.

Dichromacy [2][3]

  • Description: Only two of the three types of cones in the retina are fully functional.
  • Types
    • Deuteranomaly: green color deficiency (very common: ∼ 5% of the male population)
    • Deuteranopia: green color blindness (∼ 1% of the male population)
    • Protanomaly: red color deficiency (∼ 1% of the male population)
    • Protanopia: red color blindness (∼ 1% of the male population)
    • Tritanomaly: blue-yellow color weakness (very rare)
    • Tritanopia: blue-yellow color blindness (very rare)
  • Clinical features: difficulties distinguishing colors from one another
  • Diagnostics
    • Ishihara color test: set of color-dotted plates used to diagnose deuteranopia and protanopia
    • Anomaloscope: instrument used to diagnose quantitative and qualitative defects in color perception


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Degenerative diseases of the retinatoggle arrow icon

Central serous retinopathy (central serous chorioretinopathy)

Macular hole

Age-related macular degeneration

See age-related macular degeneration.

Retinal detachment

See retinal detachment.


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Dystrophic retinal diseasestoggle arrow icon

Retinitis pigmentosa

Stargardt's disease

Best disease (vitelliform macular dystrophy)

  • Definition: juvenile macular dystrophy, autosomal dominant inheritance
  • Clinical features
    • Chronic progressive visual impairment; onset typically between 4–10 years
    • People often have vision of approx. 20/40
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment: No causal therapy is known.
  • Prognosis: Some patients may not have visual deterioration beyond 20/40. However, the deterioration may progress after age 40.
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Vascular diseases of the retinatoggle arrow icon

Retinal hemorrhage [5]

Overview of retinal hemorrhage
Classification Fundoscopic findings Examples
Retinal nerve fiber layer hemorrhage
  • Flame-shaped hemorrhages
  • Disc-shaped hemorrhages
  • Roth spots
Intraretinal hemorrhage
Subretinal hemorrhage
  • Dark red, amorphous hemorrhages
Preretinal hemorrhage
  • Boat- or d-shaped hemorrhages
Vitreous hemorrhage
  • Dark, red hemorrhagic patches usually seen in the macular region

Coats disease (exudative retinopathy)

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

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Other retinal disorderstoggle arrow icon

Retinal emboli [10][11]

Retinal periphlebitis (Eales disease) [12]

Ocular toxoplasmosis

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Tumors of the retinatoggle arrow icon

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Leukocoriatoggle arrow icon

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