
Helminth infections

Last updated: February 14, 2025

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Helminths, i.e., parasitic worms, are a group of macroparasites encompassing a variety of species that can infect their hosts in three different ways: ingestion of eggs or larvae (e.g., via contaminated food and water or fecal-oral route), direct penetration of the skin, and via the bite of vectors (e.g., certain species of flies and mosquitoes). Helminths are classified based on their macroscopic appearance as nematodes (i.e., roundworms; genera include Toxocara, Enterobius, Trichuris, Ascaris, Trichinella, Strongyloides, Ancylostoma, Necator, and Dracunculus), cestodes (i.e., tapeworms; genera include Taenia, Dibothriocephalus, and Echinococcus), or trematodes (i.e., flukes; genera include Schistosoma, Metorchis, and Fasciola). Most helminth species colonize the gastrointestinal tract of their hosts, causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea. The larvae of certain helminth species, such as those of the Ascaris and Ancylostoma genus, migrate from the intestines via the portal vein to the lungs, potentially causing asthma-like symptoms (e.g., dry cough, wheezing). Other species, such as Taenia solium, can colonize other human tissue, such as the brain or liver, which can lead to life-threatening complications (e.g., neurocysticercosis). Diagnosis of helminth infection is primarily based on evidence of eosinophilia in the blood and direct detection of worms, eggs, or larvae in stool samples. Serum IgE levels are often elevated. Treatment consists of anthelmintic agents, such as albendazole or praziquantel.

See also “Echinococcosis,” “Schistosomiasis,” and “Strongyloidiasis.” See “General parasitology” for an overview of all parasites.

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Nematodes (roundworms)toggle arrow icon

Nematodes (roundworms) are long, thin, unsegmented, tube-like worms with a longitudinal digestive tract opening at both ends. Adult worms form separate sexes, with the males usually being smaller than the females. Filarial Nematodes are thread-like nematodes. They are transmitted by arthropod vectors.

Overview of nematode infections [1]
Disease Pathogen Mode of transmission Clinical features Diagnostics Treatment [2]
  • Fecal-oral
Enterobiasis (pinworm)
Trichuriasis (whipworm)
  • Eggs in stool
  • Consumption of undercooked meat (pork)
  • Fecal-oral (rare)
Hookworm (ancylostomiasis, necatoriasis)
  • Penetration of the skin by a larvae
Filariasis Loiasis
  • Bite of mango fly, deer fly, or horse fly
  • Female blackfly bite
Lymphatic filariasis
  • Female mosquito bite
Dracunculiasis (Guinea worm disease)
  • Consumption of contaminated water or raw aquatic animals
  • Worm extraction
  • Supportive care

Eating a Toxic TrEAT: Toxocara, Trichiniella, Enterobius, Ascaris, and Trichiuris are transmitted by ingestion.

SANd on your Shins, Ancles, and Neck: Strongyloides, Ancylostoma, and Necator penetrate the skin while walking on sand.

The OWL bites: Onchocerca, Wuchereria, and Loa loa are transmitted by bites.

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Ascariasistoggle arrow icon

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Enterobiasistoggle arrow icon

  • Pathogen
  • Epidemiology [5]
    • Most common helminthic infection in the US
    • Prevalence in the US: ∼ 12%
    • Primarily affects children 5–10 years of age
  • Mode of transmission
    • Initial infection: fecal-oral
    • Reinfection: digital-oral after scratching anal region
  • Clinical features
  • Diagnostics [1]
    • Tape test: microscopic detection of oval eggs (ova) and/or pinworms on tape that has been pressed against the perianal region
    • Stool examination is not recommended because eggs and worms are rarely found in stool.
  • Treatment [2]
  • Prevention [2]
    • Consider treating the whole household to prevent reinfection.
    • Encourage
      • Daily hygiene (e.g., bathing, nail clipping, handwashing)
      • Frequent washing of bedding and underwear

Enterobius commonly manifests with perianal pruritus.

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Trichiuriasistoggle arrow icon

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Toxocariasistoggle arrow icon

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Trichinellosistoggle arrow icon

Consider trichinella infection in patients with myositis, periorbital edema, and eosinophilia.

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Hookworm infections (ancylostomiasis; necatoriasis)toggle arrow icon

Consider hookworm infection in patients who present with a history of recent travel to a tropical country and microcytic anemia.

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Loiasistoggle arrow icon

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Onchocerciasistoggle arrow icon

Treating patients with onchocerciasis and loiasis coinfection places patients at risk for fatal encephalopathy; consult infectious diseases to help guide management. [1]

Everything turns black in onchocerciasis: black flies, black skin nodules, black vision (blindness).

Treat rIVER blindness with IVERmectin.

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Lymphatic filariasistoggle arrow icon

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Dracunculiasis (Guinea worm disease)toggle arrow icon

  • Definition: a parasitic infection caused by Dracunculus medinensis
  • Epidemiology: endemic in West, Central, and East Africa
  • Etiology: Dracunculus medinensis
  • Hosts: copepods (intermediate host), humans (definitive host)
  • Mode of transmission
    • Mainly consumption of water contaminated with infected copepods (water fleas)
    • Consumption of raw infected aquatic animals (e.g., fish, frogs) can also lead to infection.
  • Pathophysiology: Ingestion of contaminated water or food → dissolution of infected copepods in stomach acid → release of D. medinensis larvae → penetration of stomach and intestinal wall → dissemination of larvae throughout the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space → maturation of larvae and copulation → migration of female worms to skin surface (approx. 1 year after infection; male worms die) → induction of painful blister by female worm (from which it emerges to release eggs upon contact with water)
  • Clinical features: symptoms typically appear after 12 months [18]
  • Diagnostics: clinical diagnosis based on skin blister and visualization of adult worm [13]
  • Treatment: no effective medications available [13]
  • Complications: cellulitis, abscess, sepsis, anaphylaxis
  • Prevention [19]
    • Avoid submerging the affected limb in water until the worm is removed.
    • Filter or treat drinking water with larvicide.
    • Thoroughly cook aquatic animals and dispose of entrails safely.

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Cestodes (tapeworms)toggle arrow icon

Cestodes (tapeworms) are long, flat, ribbon-like worms composed of numerous segments and a single scolex at the head with which they anchor themselves to the intestine. Since they do not have a digestive tract, all nutrients are absorbed through the tegument. Cestodes are hermaphroditic (they contain both male and female organs).

Overview of cestode infections [1]
Disease Pathogen Mode of transmission Clinical features Diagnosis Treatment

Intestinal taeniasis

  • Consumption of undercooked beef or pork
  • Fecal-oral
  • Consumption of raw or undercooked freshwater fish
  • Fecal-oral
  • Hoofed animals (e.g., sheep) are intermediate hosts.
  • Albendazole
  • Surgical removal of cysts
  • Percutaneous aspiration and injection of protoscolicidal medication
  • Ingestion of eggs or cysticercoids
  • Eggs in stool
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Taenia infectionstoggle arrow icon

Overview of Taenia infections [2]
Intestinal taeniasis Cysticercosis [20]
  • An intestinal infection with adult tapeworms that causes mainly GI symptoms
  • A tissue infection with tapeworm larvae. Symptoms depend on the infected organ (e.g., muscles, brain, skin).
Mode of transmission
  • Ingestion of larvae (cysticerci) in raw or undercooked beef/pork
  • Fecal-oral: eggs are ingested from contaminated water or vegetables
Life cycle
  • Eggs hatch in the human intestine → Develop into adult worms → Produce proglottids which can detach from the tapeworm and are passed in the feces.
Clinical features
  • Often asymptomatic
  • Symptoms caused by adult worms in the intestinal tract: abdominal pain, anorexia, weight loss, nausea, and vomiting

Treatment [2]

Prevention [2]
  • Avoid raw pork and beef; inspect for cysticerci.
  • Adequately freeze and cook meat to destroy viable cysticerci.
  • Dispose of human feces properly.
  • Wash hands before meal preparation.

Cysticercosis can cause brain cysts and seizures.

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Diphyllobothriasistoggle arrow icon

Dibothriocephalus causes vitamin B12 deficiency.

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Hymenolepiasistoggle arrow icon

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Trematodes (flukes)toggle arrow icon

Trematodes (flukes) are small, flat, oval worms with two suckers (one located at the mouth and the other ventrally) and a blind-ending gut. Most species are hermaphroditic, but some also form separate male and female adults.

Overview of trematode infections [1]
Disease Pathogen Mode of transmission Clinical features Diagnosis Treatment [2]
  • Penetration of the skin by a larvae
  • Freshwater snails are intermediate hosts
  • Consumption of raw/undercooked freshwater fish


  • Consumption of raw/undercooked seafood
  • Utilization of contaminated cooking utensils
  • Consumption of contaminated freshwater plants
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Clonorchiasistoggle arrow icon

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Paragonimiasistoggle arrow icon

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Fascioliasistoggle arrow icon

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