

Last updated: July 21, 2023

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Hypomagnesemia (low serum magnesium) is very common in critically unwell patients but can occur in the community, particularly secondary to medication use. Magnesium has a vital role in membrane stabilization and while the symptoms of mild deficiency can be nonspecific, severe hypomagnesemia can cause serious complications, such as cardiac arrhythmias and seizures. Hypomagnesemia is commonly seen alongside other electrolyte abnormalities, and magnesium levels should always be checked in patients with hypokalemia or hypocalcemia. Management consists of magnesium replacement, treatment of associated electrolyte imbalances, and addressing the underlying causes.

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Definitionstoggle arrow icon

  • Serum magnesium concentration < 1.5 mEq/dL [1]
  • Severe hypomagnesemia: magnesium concentration < 1.0 mEq/dL [1]
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Etiologytoggle arrow icon

Causes of hypomagnesemia
Causes [1][2]
Cell shifts
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Clinical featurestoggle arrow icon

Low body magnesium stores can affect many organ systems. The presence and severity of symptoms do not always correlate with serum magnesium levels. [2]

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Treatmenttoggle arrow icon

Parenteral administration of magnesium can reduce serum calcium levels, which can worsen preexisting hypocalcemia.

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Complicationstoggle arrow icon

We list the most important complications. The selection is not exhaustive.

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Special patient groupstoggle arrow icon

Neonatal hypomagnesemia [7]

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