
Spinal cord injuries

Last updated: October 10, 2024

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) result from trauma (e.g., motor vehicle crashes and falls) or nontraumatic causes (i.e., ischemic, compressive, or inflammatory). SCIs initially manifest with an acute phase of spinal shock, characterized by flaccid areflexic paralysis, anesthesia, and autonomic dysfunction that occurs below the level of the injury. Spinal shock typically resolves within 48 hours, leading to a chronic phase of incomplete or complete SCI, depending on whether the spinal cord has been partially or completely transected. Symptoms of complete SCI typically occur 6–8 weeks after resolution of spinal shock and include bilateral absence of sensory and motor function, muscle hypertonia with spastic paralysis, and hyperreflexia below the level of the lesion. Diagnosis requires serial neurological examinations and imaging (e.g., CT and MRI spine). Acute management includes spinal stabilization, respiratory and hemodynamic support, urinary catheterization, and analgesia; operative management typically involves surgical decompression and stabilization. SCIs can lead to several complications in the acute and chronic phases, including autonomic dysreflexia, which can cause life-threatening episodes of cardiovascular instability.

This article focuses on the complete transection of the spinal cord. For more information on incomplete SCIs, see “Incomplete spinal cord syndromes.”

Overviewtoggle arrow icon

Do not confuse spinal shock with neurogenic shock.

SCI can occur with or without vertebral fractures or dislocations. Even when these coincide, the neurological level of injury does not always correspond to the skeletal level. [1]

Etiologytoggle arrow icon

Traumatic [2]

Nontraumatic [4]

Pathophysiologytoggle arrow icon

  • Spinal cord injuries usually occur in conjunction with vertebral column injuries.
  • Mechanisms of injury
    • Primary (immediate effect) → direct trauma (e.g., due to compression or contusion) → irreversible damage to neural tissue
    • Secondary (take effect in minutes to hours) → hypoxia, increased oxidative stress, inflammation, lipid peroxidation, cell apoptosis → injury to adjacent tissue

Clinical featurestoggle arrow icon

The features of SCI depend on the level and severity of injury and the amount of affected spinal tissue. Most individuals with traumatic SCI have associated brain and systemic injuries (e.g., hemothorax, extremity fractures).

Acute phase (spinal shock)

Absence of sacral sparing in the acute phase typically indicates a high degree of autonomic dysfunction.

Neurological deficits due to SCI should be evaluated after the resolution of spinal shock.

A complete SCI above C4 can be life-threatening because of the risk of diaphragmatic paralysis.

Chronic phase

As spinal shock resolves, reflexes and spinal cord function gradually return.

Complete spinal cord injury

Features of complete SCI classically occur 6–8 weeks after resolution of spinal shock and include spastic paralysis, hyperreflexia, and the presence of pathological reflexes (e.g., plantar reflex) below the level of injury.

Classificationtoggle arrow icon

Neuroanatomic classification

American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) impairment scale [1]

A system used to classify SCI severity once spinal shock is resolved

  • Complete: Grade A; no sacral sparing
  • Sensory incomplete: Grade B
  • Motor incomplete
    • Sensory OR motor sacral sparing present
    • Sparing of motor function > 3 levels below the level of SCI
    • Proportion of muscle groups below the level of injury that can actively move against gravity
      • < 50%: Grade C
      • ≥ 50%: Grade D
  • Normal: Grade E; normal function in a patient with prior deficits

Do not use the ASIA scale to evaluate SCI severity while the patient still has spinal shock. [1]

Diagnosistoggle arrow icon

Approach [1][5][7]

Imaging for SCI [5][7][8]

  • X-rays: not recommended for screening or evaluation of SCI because of low sensitivity
  • CT spine without IV contrast: test of choice to assess for vertebral fractures and dislocations
    • Usually obtained as the initial study
    • Less sensitive than MRI for soft tissue injuries
  • MRI spine: test of choice to evaluate for SCI [9]
    • Indications: concern for SCI based on clinical or CT findings
    • More sensitive than CT for spinal cord, nerve root, disc, and ligamentous lesions
  • CTA or MRA: indicated if there is suspicion for vascular injury (e.g., due to penetrating trauma or BCVI)

In patients with blunt trauma, use the NEXUS criteria, Canadian C-spine rule, and/or indications for imaging the thoracic and/or lumbar spine to determine if imaging is indicated. [5][8][10]

Differential diagnosestoggle arrow icon

See “Weakness and paralysis.”

Overview of spinal cord lesions

Spinal cord lesions
Pathophysiology Affected spinal tracts Clinical features
Spinal muscular atrophy
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis
  • Autoimmune inflammation (via activation of autoreactive T cells), demyelination, and axonal degeneration
  • Poliovirus enters the bloodstream → invasion and inflammation of the brain and spinal cord
Tabes dorsalis
Vitamin B12 deficiency

The differential diagnoses listed here are not exhaustive.

Treatmenttoggle arrow icon

The following reviews the management of a confirmed SCI. For vertebral column trauma, see “Initial management of vertebral injuries.”

Initial management [5][11][12][13]

Urgently consult a critical care or trauma specialist and spine surgeon (e.g., neurosurgery or orthopedics) as the management of acute SCI is complex.

Patients with SCI may experience recurrent transient life-threatening cardiovascular and respiratory instability during the first 7–10 days after injury. [15]

Respiratory support for SCI [7][15][16]

Manage respiratory failure early, especially in patients with cervical and upper thoracic SCIs as they have a high risk of acute and delayed respiratory complications. [7][15][16]

Blood pressure management for SCI [17]

Exclude hemorrhagic shock and/or obstructive shock in patients who have persistent hypotension after traumatic SCI. [19]

Surgical management of SCI [5][11]

Early closed reduction may be considered for cervical fracture-dislocations. [21]

Supportive care [5]

Neurological symptom management

Other supportive care in the ICU

Acute management checklisttoggle arrow icon

Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA)toggle arrow icon

Complicationstoggle arrow icon

Acute phase [25]

Chronic phase [25]

We list the most important complications. The selection is not exhaustive.

Autonomic dysreflexiatoggle arrow icon

Autonomic dysreflexia is a medical emergency. Remain vigilant for acute blood pressure elevations in patients with SCI above T6. [18]



Individuals with SCIs at T6 or above are at the highest risk for autonomic dysreflexia.

Individuals with autonomic dysreflexia are predisposed to episodes of life-threatening autonomic dysfunction.

Pathophysiology [26]

Clinical features [5][18][27][28]

Low baseline blood pressure is common in patients with SCI and can mask acute blood pressure elevations. [18]

Management [18][27]

  • Acute treatment typically involves:
    • Management of reversible triggers
    • BP-lowering medication as needed
  • Trigger avoidance is the cornerstone of prevention.
  • Consult a specialist for a comprehensive prevention plan.

Trigger management

See “Etiology” for potential triggers.

Identify and address urinary retention and fecal impaction, as they are the most common triggers of autonomic dysreflexia. [18]

Blood pressure management

To avoid worsening hypertension, use lidocaine jelly and consider short-acting antihypertensives before any rectal or urethral manipulation in patients with systolic blood pressure ≥ 150 mm Hg. [18]


Complications [5][28]

Myocardial ischemia may be asymptomatic. Consider an ECG and troponin levels in patients with severe or difficult to control autonomic dysreflexia. [27]

Referencestoggle arrow icon

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