
USMLE® Content Outline

Last updated: October 22, 2024

Summarytoggle arrow icon

The USMLE® Content Outline contains exam-related content for all three USMLE examinations (USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3). Each Step exam focuses on different parts of the outline. Exam candidates are encouraged to review the exam specifications for each exam on the USMLE® website ( and access the original outline at [1]

AMBOSS is an independent entity with no affiliation to the NBME® or USMLE®. The content within this article is derived from the USMLE Content Outline, which is created and owned by the FSMB and NBME. AMBOSS does not claim ownership of any portions originating from the outline This article is provided at no cost to the public, serving as an informational resource for educators, medical students, physicians, and other healthcare professionals.

General Principles of Foundational Sciencetoggle arrow icon

Biochemistry and molecular biology

Biology of cells

Human development and genetics

Biology of tissue response to disease

Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic processes: general principles

Microbial biology

  • Microbial identification and classification, including principles, microorganism identification, and non-immunologic laboratory diagnosis
  • Bacteria
    • structure (eg, cell walls, composition, appendages, virulence factors, extracellular products, toxins, mechanism of action of toxins)
    • processes, replication, and genetics (eg, metabolism, growth, and regulation)
    • oncogenesis
    • antibacterial agents (eg, mechanisms of action on organism, toxicity to humans, and mechanisms of resistance)
  • Viruses
  • Fungi
    • structure (eg, cell wall, composition, appendages, virulence factors, extracellular products, toxins, mechanisms of action of toxins)
    • processes, replication, and genetics (eg, asexual vs. sexual, metabolism, growth)
    • antifungal agents (eg, mechanisms of action on fungus, toxicity to humans, and mechanisms of resistance)
  • Parasites
  • Prions

Normal age-related findings and care of the well patient

Immune systemtoggle arrow icon

Normal processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Blood & Lymphoreticular Systemtoggle arrow icon

Normal Processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Behavioral Healthtoggle arrow icon

Normal Processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Nervous System & Special Sensestoggle arrow icon

Normal Processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Skin & Subcutaneous Tissuetoggle arrow icon

Normal Processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Musculoskeletal Systemtoggle arrow icon

Normal processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Cardiovascular Systemtoggle arrow icon

Normal processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Respiratory Systemtoggle arrow icon

Normal processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Gastrointestinal Systemtoggle arrow icon

Normal processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Renal & Urinary Systemtoggle arrow icon

Normal processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Pregnancy, Childbirth, & the Puerperiumtoggle arrow icon

Normal processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Female Reproductive System & Breasttoggle arrow icon

Normal processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Male Reproductive Systemtoggle arrow icon

Normal processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Endocrine Systemtoggle arrow icon

Normal processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Multisystem Processes & Disorderstoggle arrow icon

Normal processes

Abnormal Processes: Health and Health Maintenance, Screening, Diagnosis, Management, Risks, Prognosis

Biostatistics, Epidemiology/Population Health, & Interpretation of the Medical Literaturetoggle arrow icon

Social Sciencestoggle arrow icon

Referencestoggle arrow icon

  1. USMLE Content Outline. . Accessed: December 1, 2023.
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